20 Common Types of Succulents with Pictures and Care Guides

Succulent plants or succulents, are plants whose parts are thickened, fleshy, or engorged, which is an adaptation to arid climates where they grow naturally.

The succulents store a lot of water in these structures and this enables them to survive long periods of dryness in their natural environment.

The term 'succulent' comes from the Latin word 'sucus,, which means 'juice', or 'sap' in reference to the plant sap contained in the thickened or engorged structures.

Succulent Plants collage

These engorged structures are usually the leaves or the stems where the plant stores large amounts of water which is useful during the long dry periods.

Succulents are favorite indoor plants due to their striking, unusual appearance, as well as their ability to grow with minimal care.

Succulent Plants are generally easy to grow and are considered ideal even for beginners as they do not require very close attention.

While many Succulents exhibit an upright growth, some are trailing or climbing plants whose stems cascade beautifully down the sides of a pot or a hanging basket. They also look beautiful on a pedestal or high up on a shelf or a table top.

20 Low Maintenance Succulents Ideal for Beginners

Our list of the most popular succulent plants include String of Pearls, Donkey's Tail Plant, Aloes, Hawaorthia, Echeveria, Flaming Katy, Snake Plant, Gasteria, Houseleeks, Moonstones, Snake Plant among others.

1. String of Pearls Plant (Senecio rowleyanus)

String of Pearls, Senecio rowleyanus

String of Pearls Plant also called String of Beads Plant is a succulent plant which bears pendant thread-like stems on which spherical green leaves grow which resemble a neck-lace of pearls and hence the common name.

String of Beads Plant is a popular plant which belongs to the Senecio Genus and comprises of many succulent plants like these 10 types of Senecio Plants.

Senecio rowleyanus grows best in bright light with some direct sunlight, moderate warmth and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for String of Pearls Plant

2. Donkey's Tail Plant (Sedum morganianum)

Donkey's Tail Plant, Burro's Tail Plant, Sedum morganianum

Donkey's Tail Plant also called Burro's Tail Plant is a trailing plant which bears 2-3 ft long stems, completely clothed with blue-green cylindrical succulent leaves.

Donkey's Tail Succulent belongs to the Sedum Genus. Other common succulent Sedum plants are Blue Jelly Beans Plant (Sedum pachyphyllum), Jelly Beans Plant (Sedum rubrotinctum) among many others.

Sedum morganianum thrives in very good light but not extreme heat. To enhance leaf coloration grow the plant in bright light with at least 8 hours of sunshine.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Donkey's Tail Plant

3. Aloe Plants

Aloe Plant

Aloe Plants are easy care succulent plants which come in all shapes and sizes. There are numerous species of Aloes but only a few are popular indoor plants.

The most popular species of Aloe Succulent Plants is Aloe barbadensis, the Aloe vera or "true aloe". Other popular Aloes are Aloe aristata (Lace Aloe), Aloe variegata (Partridge-breasted Aloe), Aloe jucunda, Aloe humilis (Hedgehog Aloe), Aloe mitriformis among others.

Aloes are easy-care plants which grow best in bright light with some direct sunlight, average warmth away from drafts and moderately moist, rich, well- drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Aloe Plants

4. Haworthia Plants

Haworthia Plant, Haworthia

Haworthia Plants have firm, tough, fleshy leaves, usually dark-green in color while others are softer and contain leaf windows with translucent panels through which sunlight can reach internal photosynthetic tissues.

Common Haworthia Succulents include Haworthia fasciata (Zebra Plant) which is featured here, Haworthia cooperi (the transparent succulent with fleshy translucent leaves), Haworthia bolusii (Baker Haworthia), Haworthia cymbiformis (Cathedral Window) among others.

Haworthia Plants do best in bright light with some direct sunlight and slightly moist, fertile, well-drained soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Haworthia Plants

5. Gasteria Plants

Gasteria Plant

Gasteria Plants are recognizable from their thick, hard, succulent "tongue-shaped" leaves and hence their common names Ox-tongue, Cow-tongue and Lawyer's Tongue.

Some common Gasteria varieties include Gasteria disticha, Gasteria baylissiana, Gasteria rawlinsonii, Gasteria brachyphylla and Gasteria pillansii among others.

Gasteria Plants thrive in bright light with some direct sunlight, average warmth and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Gasteria Plants

6. Echeveria Plants

Echeveria Plant

Echeveria Plants form a rosette of short, beautiful and tightly packed leaves on short stems. The leaves are covered with a white bloom, short hairs or a waxy coating. The flowers on short stalks (cymes) arise from the compact rosettes of fleshy leaves.

Some common varieties of Echeveria Succulents include Peacock Echeveria (Echeveria desmetiana) featured here, Painted Lady Echeveria (Echeveria derenbergii), Plush Plant (Echeveria harmsii), Echeveria carnicolor and Echeveria amoena among others.

Echeveria Plants grow best in bright light with some direct sunlight, average warmth and moderately moist, well-drained soill coupled with regular feeding during the growing season.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Echeveria Plants

7. Bear's Paw Succulent (Cotyledon tomentosa)

Cotyledon tomentosa, Bear's Paw Succulent

Bear's Paw Succulent also called Bear Claw Succulent or Cat Paw Succulent is a succulent evergreen shrub which bears large chunky ovate fuzzy light-green leaves.

Bear Claw Succulent belongs to the genus Cotyledon which comprises of other succulents like Cotyledon campanulata (Bell-flowered Cotyledon), Cotyledon pendens (Cliff Cotyledon), Cotyledon orbiculata (Pig's Ear Plant), Cotyledon undulata (Silver Crown Plant), Cotyledon velutina (Velvet Cotyledon) among others.

Cotyledon tomentosa thrives in bright light with direct sunlight of at least 4-6 hours, average warmth and loose, fast draining soil that is low in organic matter.

Read more on how to grow and care for Bear's Paw Succulent

8. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

Crassula ovata, Jade Plant

Jade Plant is a popular succulent plant that can withstand a great deal of neglect and mismanagement and is easy to grow even for a beginner.

Jade Plant like these 16 Types of Crassula Varieties can survive a considerable period of time without water due to the fleshy leaves and stems which store water.

Crassula ovata grows best in bright light with some direct sunlight, average warmth and moderately moist, rich, well-drained soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Jade Plant

9. Teddy Bear Ears Vine (Cyanotis kewensis)

Teddy Bear Vine, Cyanotis kewensis

Teddy Bear Vine is a succulent vine which bears oval-shaped, hairy (velvet-like) leaves with purple undersides and is ideal for a hanging basket or a groundcover.

Teddy Bear Vine is closely related to Cyanotis somaliensis (Pussy Ears Vine) which has larger leaves with pale grey hairs while the Teddy Bear Vine bears rusty brown hairs.

Cyanotis kewensis thrives in bright, indirect light with some morning sunshine, moderate warmth and humidity, moderately moist, rich, well-drained soils.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Teddy Bear Vine

10. String of Hearts Plant (Ceropegia woodii)

String of Hearts Plant, Ceropegia woodii

String of Hearts Plant also called Rosary Vine, Chinese Lantern or Chain of Hearts is an popular succulent on account of its fleshy, heart-shaped, grey-green leaves with an eye-catching marbled pattern.

Chain of Hearts Plant is one of the 10 popular String of Plants which bears long trailing stems which are spectacular in a hanging basket, on a tabletop or on a pedestal.

Ceropegia woodii requires bright, indirect light away from direct sunlight, average warmth and moderately moist, rich, well-drained soil.

Read more on how to grow and care for String of Hearts Plant

11. String of Nickels Plant (Dischidia nummularia)

String of Nickels Plant, Dischidia nummularia

String of Nickels Plant also called Button Orchid is a trailing succulent plant which forms a dense mass of greenish-yellow foliage. The stems cascade downwards beautifully in a hanging basket or on a pedestal.

Other common plants that are closely related to Button Orchid are Million Hearts Plant (Dischidia ruscifolia) and Watermelon Dischidia (Dischidia ovata).

Dischidia nummularia thrives in bright light with some morning sunshine, average warmth, moderately moist, rich, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for String of Nickels Plant

12. String of Rubies Plant (Othonna capensis)

String of Rubies Plant, Othonna capensis

String of Rubies Plant also called String of Pickles, Little Pickles or Ruby Necklace is characterized by thin oval-shaped leaves and reddish-purple stem.

The bean-shaped leaves turn a bright ruby red when the plant is grown under bright sunshine. The trailing stems are spectacular when they cascade downwards beautifully in a hanging basket or on a pedestal.

Othonna capensis thrives in very bright light, average warmth and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained soil.

Read more on how to grow and care for String of Rubies Plant

13. String of Turtles Plant (Peperomia prostrata)

String of Turtles Plant, Peperomia prostrata

String of Turtles Plant also called Magic Marmer bears succulent, heart-shaped leaves with beautiful patterns of white veins which vary in color from maroon to dark blue to purple in young plants and are silvery-white in mature plants.

Magic Marmer is a succulent Peperomia like its relatives; Coin-leaf Peperomia (Peperomia polybotrya), Red Log Plant (Peperomia verticillata), Ruby Glow Peperomia (Peperomia graveolens) and Trailing Jade Plant (Peperomia rotundifolia) among others.

Peperomia prostrata grows best in bright light with some direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for String of Turtles Plant

14. Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa)

Wax Plant, (Hoya carnosa

Wax Plant also called Porcelainflower is an easy-care, climbing plant which bears fleshy leaves and clusters of waxy, fragrant, star-shaped flowers.

The leaves in Hoya carnosa as in majority of Hoya Plants Varieties are simple entire, arranged in an opposite pattern and are typically succulent.

Hoya carnosa thrives in bright light with some direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions and moderately moist, rich, well-drained soil.

Read more on how to grow and care for Hoya carnosa

15. Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)

Flaming Katy, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Flaming Katy also called Christmas Kalanchoe is a succulent bushy plant which bears reddish leaves in bright light and long lasting flowers which can be induced in any season.

Christmas Kalanchoe together with these 16 Kalanchoe Varieties belong to the Kalanchoe Genus and are grown for their decorative foliage and or magnificent blooms.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana thrives in bright light with some direct sunlight, average warmth and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained soil.

Read more on how to grow and care for Flaming Katy

16. Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

Snake Plant, Dracaena trifasciata

Snake Plant also called Mother-in-law's Tongue or Saint George's Sword Plant is a slow growing, succulent, low maintenance and extremely hardy plant which is also a good air cleaner.

The leaves in Snake Plant, one of the popular Dracaena Plants Varieties are stiff and succulent. These sword shaped leaves give an architectural look which makes it ideal as a room divider.

Dracaena trifasciata grows best in bright light with some direct sunlight, average warmth and moderately moist, loose, fertile, free-draining soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.

Learn more how to grow and care for Snake Plant


17. Houseleeks (Sempervivum)

Houseleeks, Sempervivum

Houseleeks also called Liveforever or Hens and Chicks are popular succulents which form mats composed of tufted leaves in rosettes and may take several years to flower.

The flower colors are reddish, yellowish, pinkish or rarely whitish. After flowering, the Houseleek dies, leaving many offsets that it has produced during its life and hence the common name, 'Liveforever'.

Sempervivums thrive in bright light with some direct sunlight, average warmth and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Houseleeks

18. Moonstones Succulent (Pachyphytum oviferum)

Moonstones Succulent, Pachyphytum oviferum

Moonstones Succulent also called Sugar Almond Plant bears succulent, pale blue-green to bluish-purple, egg-shaped leaves which look-like a sugared almond confection.

Sugar Almond Plant can grow to a height of about 6 in. and a spread of 1 ft and the white stems can each bear 15 thick leaves. The name Pachyphytum oviferum means a thick plant bearing eggs in reference to the thick leaves.

Pachyphytum oviferum requires bright light to full sunlight away from hot direct sunlight, average warmth and moderately moist, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Moonstones Succulent

19. Thread Agave (Agave filifera)

Thread Agave, Agave filifera

Thread Agave or Thread-leaf Agave is an evergreen, succulent, compact plant which bears a beautiful, stemless rosette of long, blade-like, dark-green to a bronzish-green colored leaves.

Thread-leaf Agave grows slowly and may take a long time to out grow its pot and therefore it does not require frequent repotting. Avoid disturbing it as much as possible as it does not like to be disturbed.

Agave filifera care is easy as it is quite tolerant to wide range of growing conditions. Thread-leaf Agave requires bright light with direct sunlight and moderately moist well-drained soil.

Read more on how to grow and care for Thread Agave

20. Chain Plant (Tradescantia navicularis)

Chain Plant, Tradescantia navicularis

Chain Plant also called Widow's Tears Plant or Day Flower has two type of stems which exhibit different growth habits where some stems are short, grow upright and bear tight overlapping leaves while others spread along the ground and bear more open leaves.

Tradescantia navicularis also called Callisia navicularis, one of the succulent Tradescantia Plants bears fleshy stems which are tightly clasped by thick waxy lance-shaped leaves.

Tradescantia navicularis thrives in bright, indirect light, average warmth away from drafts and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Chain Plant

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