16 Types of Crassula Plant Varieties with Names & Pictures

Crassula Varieties are all succulent plants which bear fleshy leaves and are easy to grow indoors when the right growing conditions are provided.

Crassula plants thrive in bright light with at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight, average warmth and loose, fast draining soil that is low in organic matter coupled with regular feeding during the growing season.

They have no need for extra humidity but they require good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases and to be protected or shielded from cold drafts as they affect growth negatively.

Crassula Varieties Collage

Watering is key in the healthy growth of Crassula Succulents as overwatering can be fatal leading to rotting and death of the plant.

The best method of watering Crassula is the 'soak and dry' method which requires a thorough soaking of the soil followed by a drying out of the soil before the next watering.

Crassulas are easily propagated from stem cuttings, leaf cuttings, offshots (plantlets) borne at the base of the mother plant and by germinating seeds.

Crassula belong to the family, Crassulaceae. There are about 200 Crassula species which are mainly native to Southern Africa.

The Crassula plants are considered toxic to human and pets. If ingested they can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, keep these plants away from the reach of children and pets to avoid any mishaps.

These plants are a spectacular addition to your collection. You may acquire Crassula Plants from Etsy Online Shops.

16 Best Crassula Plants for Indoor Growing

Here are 16 popular Crassula varieties which include Crassula ovata, Crassula perforata, Crassula cotyledonis, Crassula tomentosa, Crassula picturata, Crassula arborescens, Crassula brevifolia among others.

1. Jade Plant | Crassula ovata

Jade Plant, Crassula ovata, Crassula argentea

Crassula ovata commonly called Jade Plant is a popular succulent plant that can withstand a great deal of neglect and mismanagement and is easy to grow even for a beginner.

Jade Plant can survive a considerable period of time without water due to the fleshy leaves and stems which store water and allow the plant to go for a considerably long period without being watered. Read on how to grow and care for Crassula ovata (Jade Plant).

2. String of Buttons Plant | Crassula perforata

String of Buttons Plant, Crassula perforata

Crassula perforata commonly called String of Buttons Plant is an easy care shrubby, succulent plant which bears triangle-shaped, gray-green leaves with a rosy pink hue along the edges in bright light.

String of Buttons Plant fleshy leaves and stems store water, which allows the plant to go for a considerably long period without being watered. Learn more on how to grow and care for Crassula perforata (String of Buttons Plant).

3. Crassula dubia | Crassula cotyledonis

Crassula cotyledonis, Crassula dubia

Crassula cotyledonis also called Crassula dubia is a small succulent shrub with broad, paddle-shaped, blue-gray leaves covered in a soft buzz which protects it from intense sunlight.

Crassula dubia leaves are borne opposite on the stem and develop a soft pink tinge along the leaf margin in bright light or under direct sunlight. Read on how to grow and care for Crassula cotyledonis (Crassula dubia).

4. Woolly Crassula | Crassula tomentosa

Crassula tomentosa, Woolly Crassula

Crassula tomentosa commonly called Woolly Crassula is a low-growing succulent which bears rounded disc-like, gray-green leaves in an overlapping manner and are covered with tiny white hairs along the edges.

Woolly Crassula is a slow grower which spreads by means of stolons on which new plantlets grow around the mother plant forming small colonies which makes this plant ideal for an indoor garden or a wide shallow pot. Learn how to grow and care for Crassula tomentosa (Woolly Crassula).

5. Tiger Jade Crassula | Crassula picturata

Crassula picturata, Tiger Jade Crassula

Crassula picturata commonly called Tiger Jade Crassula is a perennial succulent shrub with numerous stems on which are borne triangular, dark-green leaves with red spots and purple undersides.

Tiger Jade Crassula leaves are spirally arranged on the stem and usually develop a pinkish tinge in bright light or under direct sunlight. Learn more on how to grow and care for Crassula picturata (Woolly Crassula).

6. Silver Dollar Jade | Crassula arborescens

Silver Dollar Jade, Silver Dollar Plant, Crassula arborescens

Crassula arborescens commonly called Silver Dollar Jade or Silver Dollar Plant is a perennial succulent shrub which bears rounded blue-gray leaves with maroon edges and small maroon speckles on the upper surface.

The small maroon speckles are technically called 'hydathodes' whose function is to help the plant absorb moisture from the atmosphere. They are especially useful in the plant's naturally dry environment. Read more on how to grow and care for Crassula arborescens (Silver Dollar Jade).

7. Crassula brevifolia | Crassula pearsonii

Crassula brevifolia, Crassula pearsonii

Crassula brevifolia also called Crassula pearsonii is a small, much-branched, perennial, succulent shrub whose branches bear thick, fleshy, green, triangular-shaped leaves which turn yellowish-green in bright light.

The leaves have pink edges and small pink spots on the surface called hydathodes which are important for absorbing moisture from the air in their natural habitat. Learn more on how to grow and care for Crassula brevifolia (Crassula pearsonii).

8. Crassula Campfire | Crassula capitella 'Campfire'

Crassula Campfire, Red Flames Plant, Crassula capitella 'Campfire'

Crassula capitella 'Campfire' commonly called Crassula Campfire, Campfire Crassula or Red Flames Plant is a perennial succulent with propeller-like leaves which start off light-green and become a bright reddish color in bright light, hence, the common names, 'Red Flames' and 'Campfire Crassula'.

Crassula Campfire's leaves appear stacked on a short stem where they are larger at the base and get smaller near the top of the rosette forming floral bracts. Read more on how to grow and care for Crassula capitella 'Campfire' (Crassula Campfire).

9. Sunglow Plant | Crassula coccinea

Sunglow Plant, Red Crassula, Crassula coccinea

Crassula coccinea commonly called Sunglow Plant or Red Crassula is a neat succulent plant whose stems are clothed with leathery triangular leaves which look like they are stacked on top of each other.

Red Crassula requires plenty of light, good ventilation and plenty of water during the growing period inorder for it to thrive. Read on how to grow and care for Crassula coccinea (Sunglow Plant).

10. Crassula elegans | Elegant Crassula

Crassula elegans, Elegant Crassula

Crassula elegans commonly called Elegant Crassula is a compact, dwarf, much-branched succulent whose thin stems are densely packed with oval to triangular fleshy leaves occuring in 4 rows.

Elegant Crassula leaves are smooth or covered with fine hairs or coarse rounded papillae and are green to brown or purplish-red in color. Learn more on how to grow and care for Crassula elegans (Elegant Crassula).

11. Propeller Plant | Crassula falcata

Propeller Plant, Scarlet Paintbrush Plant, Crassula falcata

Crassula falcata commonly called Propeller Plant or Scarlet Paintbrush Plant is a single-stemmed plant which bears gray-green, succulent, propeller-shaped leaves and dense clusters of scarlet-red blooms.

Propeller Plant leaves grow around the stem in a slight angle and can grow to a length of 2 ft. The shape and growth pattern of the leaves give this plant the common names, Propeller Plant and Airplane Plant. Read more on how to grow and care for Crassula falcata (Propeller Plant).

12. Fairy Crassula | Crassula multicava

Fairy Crassula, Crassula multicava

Crassula multicava commonly called Fairy Crassula or Pitted Crassula is a mat-forming succulent plant which bears glossy round leaves with tiny pores along the edges.

The small pores along the leaf edges are hydathodes which allow moisture absorption from the air. It is an important feature in its natural habitat where the conditions are generally dry. Learn more on how to grow and care for Crassula multicava (Fairy Crassula).

13. Watch Chain Plant | Crassula muscosa

Watch Chain Plant, Rattail Crassula, Clubmoss Crassula, Crassula muscosa

Crassula muscosa commonly called Watch Chain Plant, Rattail Crassula or Clubmoss Crassula is a much-branched succulent plant with tiny, scale-like, light-green leaves which are densely packed around a thin stem.

Watch Chain Plant leaves are arranged in opposite pairs around the stem in four rows which gives the stem a square shape. The stems start off erect but as they mature, they begin to trail due to the weight of the leaves. Read on how to grow and care for Crassula muscosa (Watch Chain Plant).

14. Crassula Baby Necklace | Crassula rupestris

Crassula rupestris, Crassula Baby Necklace

Crassula rupestris commonly called Crassula Baby Necklace, Rosary Vine, Kebab Bush, Concertina Plant or Rock Crassula is a highly branched succulent whose thin stems are packed with thick, rounded-triangular leaves.

Crassula Baby Necklace leaves start off grey-green and change to creamy-yellow with rose-red (reddish) margins in bright light which resemeble a string of beads on a child's necklace hence the common name. Learn how to grow and care for Crassula rupestris (Crassula Baby Necklace).

15. Variegated Showy Trailing Jade | Crassula sarmentosa Variegata

Variegated Showy Trailing Jade, Crassula sarmentosa Variegata

Crassula sarmentosa Variegata commonly called Variegated Showy Trailing Jade is a much-branched succulent plant with trailing stems and mid-green leaves with golden yellow serrated edges.

Variegated Showy Trailing Jade leaves are elliptic to lance-shaped. In bright light, the leaves are a brighter green with red highlights along the margins. Learn more on how to grow and care for Crassula sarmentosa Variegata (Variegated Showy Trailing Jade).

16. Miniature Pine Tree | Crassula tetragona

Miniature Pine Tree, Mini Pine Tree, Crassula tetragona

Crassula tetragona commonly called Miniature Pine Tree or Mini Pine Tree is an upright, naturally branching, shrubby succulent plant whose leaves are green to dark green and occur in crossed pairs.

The common name, 'Miniature Pine Tree', is in reference to the naturally branching form and interesting leaf structure of this spectacular plant. Read more on how to grow and care for Crassula tetragona (Miniature Pine Tree).

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