10 Low Maintenance Indoor Plants for Beginners | Easy Care Houseplants

Easy to Grow Houseplants collage

The easy-care, low maintenace indoors plants are hassle-free plants that do not require very frequent care and can withstand some level of neglect.

These houseplants are ideal for a beginner plant parent. If you are new to houseplant parenthood and do not know where to start, choose from our list of the low maintenance, easy-care indoor plants.

These plants are also perfect for the busy houseplant parent who has very limited time to attend to their houseplants.

Do not stress over your houseplants care. The list below comprises of very hardy plants which will not fail you.

The Best Easy-care, Low Maintenance Indoor Plants for Beginners

Our list of easy-care, low maintenance indoor plants include the popular Snake Plant, Pothos, Monstera, Heartleaf Philodendron, Areca Palm among others. Read on for our complete list.

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake plant, Sanseveria spp

If you are looking for a plant with a tough constitution and easy to care for, Snake Plant is such a plant. Snake Plant is slow growing, low maintenance and extremely hardy (almost indestructible).

Snake Plant can withstand low light, dry air, draughts and periods of dryness. The only drawback for these plants is root-rot which is brought about by soggy soil.

The sword-shaped leaves gives Snake Plant an architectural look which makes it ideal for any space. Read more on how to grow and care for Snake Plant.

2. Pothos | Devil's Ivy (Scindapsus aureus)


The Pothos are hard to kill houseplants that easily adapt to indoor growing conditions. They are also very colorful and very versatile.

If kept away from draughts, direct sunlight and with moderate watering, Pothos will thrive even with some level of neglect.

Pothos are also good indoor air cleaners. Read more on how to grow and care for Pothos.

3. Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens)

Areca Palm

The Areca Palm is one of the most popular of the palms on account of its hardiness, beauty and ease of care.

The beauty of Areca Palm emanates from its yellowish bamboo-like canes and beautiful arching foliage.

Areca Palm is also a good indoor air cleaner. Read more on how to grow and care for Areca palm.

4. Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera deliciosa)

Monstera Plant, Swiss Cheese Plant

Swiss Cheese Plant is a popular easy care plant that easily adapts to indoor growing conditions. The large, deeply-cut, perforated leaves of Swiss Cheese Plant are a sight to behold.

Monstera is a suitable stand alone plant for occupying large empty spaces at it can grow upright when provided with support.

Though Monstera can adapt to various light requirements adequate light is needed to produce the large leaves. Read more on how to grow and care for Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera).

5. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

Rubber Plant

Rubber Plant is a hardy, easy care houseplant which is easily adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions.

The stately Rubber Plant is a popular stand alone plant for the large spaces. The large shiny leaves clearly stand out and give any room a very exotic look.

Rubber Plant is also a good indoor air cleaner. Read more on how to grow and care for Rubber Plant.

6. Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron scandens)

Heartleaf Philodendron

Heartleaf Philodendron also called Sweetheart Plant is a hardy, easy care houseplant based on its ability to withstand neglect and poor growing conditions.

The beautiful Heartleaf Philodendron is easy to grow and will easily adapt to indoors growing conditions.

Sweetheart Plant is also a good indoor air cleaner. Read more on how to grow and care for Heartleaf Philodendron.

7. Corn Palm (Dracaena fragrans)

Corn Palm

Corn Palm is an easy care houseplant that will easily adapt to a wide range in the lighting. However, it does not like to be exposed to direct sunlight.

This Dracaena Plant is a popular houseplant on account of its large yellow-striped leaves which will brighten up even the dullest of places.

According to a study carried out by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Corn Palm was found to be a good indoor air cleaner. Read more on how to grow and care for Corn Palm.

8. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema spp)

Chinese Evergreen, Aglaonema spp

Chinese Evergreen is regarded as one of the most tolerant and reliable of the easy care houseplants.

The Chinese Evergreen will adapt well to varying light levels and will even thrive in the poorly lit spots.

The Chinese Evergreen is also a good air cleaner. Read more on how to grow and care for Chinese Evergreen.

9. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii)

Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum wallisii

Peace Lily is an easy care houseplant that easily adapts to a wide range of growing conditions and will not mind some level of neglect.

The dark-green glossy leaves of Peace Lily will add life to any space through out the year.

Peace Lily is also a good air cleaner. Read more on how to grow and care for Peace Lily.

10. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider Plant, Chlorophytum comosum

Spider Plant is a popular easy care houseplant that is extremely adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions.

The spectacular Spider Plant will grow in hot or cool rooms, in sun or shade and will withstand dry air.

Spider Plant is also a good indoor air cleaner. Read more on how to grow and care for Spider Plant.

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