15 Best Hanging Indoor Plants for your Home with Names and Pictures

Hanging plants are perfect for the limited spaces. These are trailing plants which can be displayed in a hanging basket, on a pedestal, on a plant shelf or on a table top.

Any trailing plant is a perfect choice for hanging where the stems can beautifully cascade downwards to create a spectacular feast for the eyes.

Hanging houseplants collage

You can have a hanging basket practically anywhere in your living spaces; near the window, above your sitting space, in your porch, above your bathtub, in the kitchen, in the bedroom among others.

It is important to ensure that the hanging basket is securely fixed, can be watered easily and does not drip water (you can use a pot with a saucer at the bottom to catch any dripping water). Use a light-weight pot and potting mixture.

Also keep in mind that the air above is much warmer and drier than at floor and windowsill level which means that plants in a hanging basket may require more frequent watering than other plants in the same room.

We have herebelow outlined for you 15 best plants for hanging baskets to make it easier for you to make your choice.

15 Stunning Hanging Plants to Spruce Up Your Home

Some great choices for hanging plants are Small-leaf Spiderwort, Pothos, Heartleaf Philodendron, String of Plants, Boston Fern, German Ivy, Oak Leaf Fig, Christmas Cactus among others. Keep reading for the complete list.

1. Small-leaf Spiderwort (Tradescantia fluminensis)

Small-leaf Spiderwort, Tradescantia fluminensis

Small-leaf Spiderwort bears colorful leaves, grows very fast and is easy to grow and propagate. The plants are highly tolerant to indoor growing conditions. It bears long stems which beautifully cascade downwards creating a dramatic sight.

Tradescantia fluminensis is one of the most popular Tradescantia plants that is perfect for hanging. There are many varieties and colors to choose from.

Tradescantia fluminensis thrives in bright indirect light (filtered light), average warmth of 16-270C, humidity of 50-55% and consistently moist, fertile, well-drained, all purpose soil coupled with fortnightly feeding during the growing season.

Read more on how to grow and care for Small-leaf Spiderwort (Tradescantia fluminensis)

2. Golden Pothos (Scindapsus aureus)

Golden Pothos, Scindapsus aureus

Golden Pothos also called Devil's Ivy or Money Plants are magnificient easy to grow plants which will add a splash of color in any space and are good indoor air cleaners.

Being climbers with colorful, heart-shaped leaves, Pothos plants varieties are spectacular when grown in a hanging basket, on a pedestal or on a tabletop or on a desktop.

Scindapsus aureus blossoms in medium to bright indirect light away from direct sunlight, moderate warmth of 18-290C, humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, rich, well-drained, Pothos potting soil coupled with monthly feeding in the growing season.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Pothos (Scindapsus aureus)

3. Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron scandens)

Heartleaf Philodendron, Philodendron scandens

Heartleaf Philodendron also called Sweetheart Plant is a popular plant on account of its ease of care, air cleaning properties and beautiful heart-shaped leaves which appear bronze and quickly turn green as the plant grows.

Sweetheart Plant is one of the popular Philodendron varieties whose trailing stems beautifully cascading downwards in a hanging basket, pedestal, tabletop, desktop or plant shelf.

Philodendron scandens thrives in medium to bright indirect light (dappled light), average warmth of 18-260C, moderate humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained, all purpose potting soils coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.

Read more on how to grow and care for Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron scandens)

4. German Ivy (Senecio mikanioides)

German Ivy, Senecio mikanioides

German Ivy also called Cape Ivy or Parlour Ivy is one of the fast-growing, evergreen, climbing Senecio varieties and bears fleshy, glossy, lobed leaves and clusters of bright yellow daisy-like flowers.

The stems in Cape Ivy and in Scrambling Groundsel (Senecio angulatus), can be allowed to hang downwards in a hanging basket or trained up a moss pole or a trellis.

German Ivy blossoms in medium to bright light, moderate warmth of 18-270C, average humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained, succulents potting mixes coupled with fortnightly feeding during the growing season.

Learn more on how to grow and care for German Ivy (Senecio mikanioides)

5. String of Beads Plant (Senecio rowleyanus)

String of Pearls Plant, String of Beads Plant, Senecio rowleyanus

String of Beads Plant also called String of Pearls Plant is a hardy plant with pendant thread-like stems on which spherical green leaves grow and it resembles a neck-lace of beads or pearls, hence the common names.

String of Pearls Plant and other string of plants are easy to grow plants and are perfect for a hanging basket, pedestal or tabletop where the trailing stems can cascade downwards beautifully.

Senecio rowleyanus prospers in bright light with 6-8 hours of direct sunshine, moderate warmth of 20-270C, average humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained, succulents soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.

Read more on how to grow and care for String of Beads (Pearls) Plant (Senecio rowleyanus)

6. Ficus montana (Oak Leaf Fig)

Oak Leaf Fig, Ficus montana

Oak Leaf Fig also called Oak-leafed Fig is among the popular Ficus plants varieties and bears oval-shaped leaves which are covered with short hairs in form of bristles and resemble oak leaves.

Oak-leafed Fig is a vining plant like Ficus pumila and Ficus radicans 'Variegata' making them perfect for hanging baskets and groundcovers between the tall plants.

Oak Leaf Fig flourishes in bright light with 4-6 hours of direct sunlight, average warmth of 15-260C, humidity of 60-70% and moderately moist, rich, well-drained, all purpose soil coupled with monthly feeding in the growing season.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Ficus montana (Oak Leaf Fig)

7. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensis')

Boston Fern, Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensis'

Boston Fern is among the popular fern plants and bears gracefully arching highly compound, fronds and leaves whose edges appear slightly serrate.

Boston Fern, Davallia canariensis (Hare's Foot Fern) and Davallia fejeensis (Rabbit's Foot Fern) are magnificient fern for hanging baskets, a pedestal, a tabletop, plant shelf where they can be allowed to hang down to disply their beauty.

Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensis' performs best in bright indirect light, average warmth of 15-250C, humidity of 60-70% and consistently moist, fertile, well-drained, all purpose soil coupled with fortnightly feeding in the growing season.

Read more on how to grow and care for Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensis')

8. Goldfish Plant (Columnea gloriosa)

Goldfish Plant, Columnea gloriosa

Goldfish Plant bears trailing stems which can be allowed to hang down freely to create a spectacular sight with the goldfish flowers adding a splash of color.

The Goldfish Plant is one of the popular flowering plants on account of its beautiful blooms and the glossy, dark green leaves.

Columnea gloriosa thrives in bright light away from direct sunlight (filtered light), average warmth of 18-260C, humidity of 60-70% and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained, all purpose potting soil coupled with fortnightly feeding during the growing season.

Read more on how to grow and care for Goldfish Plant (Columnea gloriosa)

9. Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa)

Wax Plant, Hoya carnosa

Wax Plant also called Porcelainflower is a flowering climber whose twining stems can reach 15 feet or more making it a perfect hanging plant for hanging baskets or a pedestal.

Hoya carnosa is one of the Hoya plants that are grown for their beautiful leaves and large flowerheads made up of waxy, fragrant and star-shaped flowers.

Hoya carnosa blossoms in bright light with with 4-6 hours of direct sunlight, average warmth of 16-260C, moderate humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, rich, well-drained, hoya potting soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa)

10. Variegated Cupid Peperomia (Peperomia scandens 'Variegata')

Variegated Cupid Peperomia, False Philodendron, Peperomia scandens 'Variegata'

Variegated Cupid Peperomia Plant also called False Philodendron is one of the trailing Peperomia plants varieties and bears fleshy, green, heart-shaped leaves with cream-colored, golden, yellow, or off-white markings.

The stems are pink colored and semi-succulent. The trailing stems can spread to a length of 5 feet which makes False Philodendron one of the best plants for a hanging basket.

Variegated Cupid Peperomia grows best in medium to bright, indirect light (filtered light), average warmth of 15-260C, humidity of 55-65% and moderately moist, rich, all purpose soil coupled with monthly feeding in the growing season.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Variegated Cupid Peperomia (Peperomia scandens 'Variegata')

11. Silver Vine (Scindapsus pictus)

Silver Vine, Scindapsus pictus

Silver Vines also called Silver Pothos, Satin Pothos or Silver Philodendron are evergreen climbing plants which bear matte green leaves covered in silver blotches with a satin sheen on trailing stems.

Many Scindapsus pictus varieties are low-maintenance plants and are perfect for hanging baskets, tabletop, desktop, pedestal, plant shelf and trellis.

Scindapsus pictus (Silver Vine) prospers in medium to bright, indirect light (filtered light), moderate warmth of 15-290C, humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, rich, well-drained, all purpose soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Silver Vine (Scindapsus pictus)

12. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera x buckleyi)

Christmas Cactus, Schlumbergera x buckleyi

Christmas Cactus bears fleshy segmented stems, slightly serrated on each side and flowers at the ends of the stems which hang downwards beautifully placing it among the best flowering plants for hanging baskets.

The stems in Christmas Cactus are flattened leaves. The original flower color is red but hybrids may come in pink, purple, white and other colors.

Schlumbergera x buckleyi flourishes in bright filtered light, average warmth of 18-260C, average humidity of 55-65% and moderately moist, rich, loose, free-draining, cactus potting soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.

Read more on how to grow and care for Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera x buckleyi)

13. Watch Chain Plant (Crassula muscosa)

Watch Chain Plant, Rattail Crassula, Crassula muscosa

Watch Chain Plant also called Rattail Crassula, Clubmoss Crassula, Lizard Tail, Zipper Plant, Princess Pine bears stems which start off erect but as they mature, they begin to trail due to the weight of the leaves making it ideal for a hanging basket.

Rattail Crassula like other Crassula plants varieties is a popular succulent plant which bears fleshy leaves and is easy to grow when the right growing conditions are provided.

Crassula muscosa blossoms in bright light with direct sunlight of at least 4-6 hours, average warmth of 20-280C, moderate humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, rich, well-drained, succulents soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Watch Chain Plant (Crassula muscosa)

14. Cebu Blue Pothos (Epipremnum pinnatum 'Cebu Blue')

Cebu Blue Pothos, Epipremnum pinnatum 'Cebu Blue'

Cebu Blue Pothos is a low maintenance vine whose young leaves have an elongated shape with a pointed end and a smooth margin. As they mature, they grow larger, become fenestrated (have holes along the mid-rib) and lobed (have slits along the edges).

Cebu Blue Pothos and its relatives Epipremnum pinnatum (Dragon Tail Pothos) and Epipremnum pinnatum 'Baltic Blue' (Baltic Blue Pothos) exhibit climbing and trailing growth habits making them some of the best plants for hanging baskets.

Epipremnum pinnatum 'Cebu Blue' requires medium to bright indirect light, average warmth of 15-280C, humidity of 60-70% and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained, aroids potting mix coupled with monthly feeding in the growing season.

Read more on how to grow and care for Cebu Blue Pothos (Epipremnum pinnatum 'Cebu Blue')

15. Teddy Bear Vine (Cyanotis kewensis)

Teddy Bear Vine, Cyanotis kewensis

Teddy Bear Vine (Cyanotis kewensis) is one of the popular succulent plants and bears oval-shaped, hairy (velvet-like) leaves with purple undersides and rusty brown hairs.

Teddy Bear Vine and its relative Pussy Ears Vine (Cyanotis somaliensis) which bears larger leaves with pale-grey hairs are both beautiful hanging succulent plants.

Cyanotis kewensis prospers in bright, indirect light with 4-6 hours of morning sunshine, average warmth of 15-270C, moderate humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, rich, succulents mixes and monthly feeding during the growing season.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Teddy Bear Vine (Cyanotis kewensis)

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