Peperomia orba (Teardrop Peperomia) Indoor Care and Propagation Guide

Teardrop Peperomia, Peperomia orba

Botanical name: Peperomia orba
Family: Piperaceae
Common name: Teardrop Peperomia


Peperomia orba (Teardrop Peperomia) is a semi-succulent, slow growing, compact plant which grows to a height of about 6 in. and bears delicate, oval-shaped leaves and hence the name teardrops.

The leaves are fleshy and dark-green in color. When the plant matures, a white line appears down the center of the waxy leaves.

The stems are fleshy, red and grow by trailing stems which makes this plant perfect for a hanging basket.

Teardrop Peperomia is easy to grow and care for indoors. It is ideal for a terrarium on account of its size and affinity for high humidity.


Peperomia orba has many types (cultivars) like 'Variegata', 'Pixie', 'Pixie Green', 'Pixie Lime' among others.


Peperomia orba (Teardrop Peperomia) like other Peperomia Plants is non-toxic to humans and pets. The plants are safe to grow indoors.

Teardrop Peperomia, Peperomia orba

Peperomia orba Care Indoors

Peperomia orba (Teardrop Peperomia) prefers medium to bright light away from direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.

Peperomia orba requires regular pruning to keep it neat, minimize pest and disease infestations as well as encourage a bushy growth.

Repotting is only needed when the plant becomes extremely pot-bound. Keep reading for more on these growing conditions and how to achieve them.


Water Peperomia orba liberally during the growing season and allow the top 2-3 in. of soil to dry out between waterings to keep the soil moderately moist.

Reduce watering during the cold season to keep the soil barely moist as growth is minimal at this time but do not allow the soil to dry out completely.

Make sure that the pot has a drainage hole to prevent the soil from getting soggy as it can result in root-rot disease and eventual death of the plant.

Light Requirements

Peperomia orba grows best in medium to bright light away from direct sunlight as it can lead to scorching of the leaves.

Too little light for Teardrop Peperomia will result in leggy plants and loss of leaf color therefore ensure it receives adequate light.

Where the natural light is not adequate instal a grow light to supplement it.

Rotate the pot every so often to ensure that the plant receives light on all sides for even growth.

Temperature and Humidity

Peperomia orba requires average warmth within the range of 15-260C inorder to thrive. Keep the plant away from cold draughts as they can cause leaf drop.

Peperomia orba thrives in a high humidity environment. Set pot on a wet pebble tray or use a cool mist humidifier to raise humidity.

You can also grow Teardrop Peperomia in a terrarium as high humidity can be maintained inside a terrarium.


Feed Peperomia orba with a balanced, liquid fertilizer every 4 weeks during the growing period for lush growth.

Withhold feeding during the cold season as growth is reduced and feeding at this time may lead to fertilizer burn and eventual loss of the plant.

Potting Soil

The best soil for Peperomia orba should be rich in organic matter and free-draining to prevent it from getting soggy while providing the required nutrients.

Cactus and Succulents mix is ideal for Teardrop Peperomia. Purchase quality Cactus and Succulents mix from Etsy.


Repot Peperomia orba during the growing season only when the plant has become extremely pot-bound as it grows best when the roots are restricted.

Use a pot one size larger and ensure that the pot has a drainage hole to prevent the soil from getting soggy as it can lead to root-rot disease and eventual death of the plant.


Pruning Peperomia orba involves regular removal of dead foliage to maintain the plant neat and tidy as well as minimize pest and disease infestations.

Teardrop Peperomia becomes straggly as it ages, therefore, cut back the stems during the growing season to rejuvenate growth.


Peperomia orba (Teardrop Peperomia) propagation can be done in 3 ways; from leaf-cuttings, from stem-cuttings or by plant division.

1. How to propagate Peperomia orba from leaf cuttings in water

The leaf cuttings root easily, therefore there is no need for a rooting hormone. Take leaf cuttings from a healthy Teardrop Peperomia and ensure each leaf cutting has a petiole.

Allow some time for the formation of a protective callus tissue over the cuts of the leaf cuttings to prevent rotting.

Once callused, place the leaf cuttings in a jar of clean plain water or in a propagation station and change the water every 5-7 days.

Place the set up in warm, well-lit place until growth begins at the base of the cuttings leaf petiole. Allow enough time for substantial growth of the roots and new leaves.

Transfer the rooted cuttings to individual pots in moist, free-draining soil and place in a warm, well-lit place. For a fuller plant, transfer several plants into one pot.

Maintain the soil moist until the new Teardrop Peperomia are well established after which you can begin routine care.

2. How to propagate Peperomia orba from stem cuttings

The stem cuttings root easily, therefore, there is no need for a rooting hormone.

Take stem cuttings of about 4-5 in. length from a healthy Teardrop Peperomia and ensure each cutting has at least 2 sets of leaves.

Allow some time for the formation of a protective callus tissue over the cuts of the stem cuttings to prevent rotting.

Once callused, insert the cuttings in moist, free-draining soil and place the set up in a warm, well-lit place away from direct sunlight.

Maintain the soil moist until new growth emerges and substantial growth has been observed.

Transfer the rooted stem cuttings to individual pots and begin routine care. For a fuller plant, transfer several cuttings into one pot.

3. How to propagate Peperomia orba by plant division

Water the Peperomia orba thoroughly at least 1 day before to make it easier to divide and also hasten establishment. A well hydrated plant suffers less shock and takes a shorter time to take root.

Take out the plant from its pot and divide it into several sections. Ensure each section has adequate roots for faster establishment.

Fill an appropriate pot with free-draining soil and make a hole in the center of the pot. Ensure that the hole is slightly wider than the root base of the section.

Place the section in the previously made hole and lightly firm the soil around the base while taking care not to bury it too deep; maintain the section at the same soil level it was in the previous pot.

Water the soil thoroughly and place the set up in a warm, well-lit place. Maintain the soil moist until the new Teardrop Peperomia is well established after which you can begin routine care.

Teardrop Peperomia, Peperomia orba

Peperomia orba Problems

Peperomia orba (Teardrop Peperomia) problems are brown leaf tips, dropping leaves, shriveled leaves, wilting, leggy stems, diseases and pests among others. Keep reading for more on these problems and how to fix them.

Dropping leaves

There are many causes of dropping leaves in Peperomia orba. One possible cause of dropping leaves is too low temperature.

Move the plant to a warmer spot away from cold draughts and maintain an average room temperature.

The second possible cause of dropping leaves in Teardrop Peperomia is that the plant has been underwatered causing the foliage to wilt.

Water the plant liberally during the growing season and allow the soil to dry out between waterings but reduce watering during the cold season.

Here is an outline on 12 reasons why Peperomia is dropping leaves (with solutions).


Peperomia orba pests is prone to spider mites, whiteflies, scale insects and mealy bugs. Isolate the affected plant to prevent spread to other houseplants and and treat it with Neem oil to get rid of the pests.


The other common disease in Peperomia orba is leaf spot disease. Isolate the affected plant and treat it appropriately for the disease.

Brown, shrivelled leaves

Brown and shrivelled leaves in Peperomia orba are caused by too dry air (low humidity) as it prefers a humid environment.

Set the pot on a wet pebble tray to increase humidity. Check out these techniques on how to raise humidity for houseplants.

Dry and shrivelled leaves

Excess soluble salts in the soil from the water or excess feeding will cause dry shrivelled leaves in Peperomia orba.

Flush out the salts from the soil regularly by running a stream of water through the soil until it comes out through the drainage holes and repeat the process several times.

Leggy stems

Leggy stems in Peperomia orba are due to low light. Teardrop Peperomia grows best in bright light to light shade.

Cut back the stems to rejuvenate growth and move the plant to a brighter spot where it will receive medium to bright light or instal a grow light if the natural light is not adequate.

Brown leaf tips and edges

Brown leaf tips and edges in Peperomia orba are due to sudden drop in temperature from cold draughts. Remove all the damaged leaves. Keep the plant away from cold draughts and maintain average warmth.

Wilted and discolored leaves and corky swellings under the leaves

wilted and discolored leaves and corky swellings under the leaves in Peperomia orba is the caused by soggy soil.

This is an indication of root-rot disease. Isolate the affected plant and treat it appropriately for the disease. Read on how to treat root-rot disease in houseplants.

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