How to Grow, Care and Propagate String of Buttons Plant (Crassula perforata)

Crassula perforata commonly called String of Buttons Plant is an easy care shrubby, succulent plant which bears triangle-shaped, gray-green leaves with a rosy pink hue along the edges in bright light.

String of Buttons Plant fleshy leaves and stems store water, which allows the plant to go for a considerably long period without being watered.

The leaves form opposite pairs that create a spiral shape around the plant's stem giving it a stacked appearance.

Under bright light, the succulent, triangle-shaped, gray-green leaves have a rosy pink hue along the edges.

String of Buttons Succulent stems start off upright but begin to trail on the ground due to the weight of the leaves as they age. This makes this plant perfect for a hanging basket.

String of Buttons Plant, Crassula perforata

Botanical name: Crassula perforata
Family: Crassulaceae
Common names: String of Buttons Plant


Crassula perforata is native to the arid parts of South Africa where it is found growing in thicket vegetation and rocky slopes.


Crassula String of Buttons grows to a height of 2 ft and 2-3 ft wide and bears a long inflorescence with many tiny cream flowers.


Like its cousin the Jade Plant, String of Buttons Plant is thought to be toxic to both humans and pets. Keep the plant away from the reach of children and pets.

Where to Buy

Would you like to add Crassula perforata to your plant collection? You may acquire these plants online.

String of Buttons Plant Care Indoors

String of Buttons Plant (Crassula perforata) flourishes in bright light with some direct sunlight, average warmth and loose, well-drained soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.

Crassula perforata has no need for high humidity or regular repotting as it grows best when pot-bound. Pruning is required to keep the plant neat, to minimize pest and disease infestations and to rejuvenate growth. Keep reading for more on these growing conditions and how to achieve them.

String of Buttons Plant, Crassula perforata


Water Crassula perforata liberally during the growing season and allow the soil to dry out between waterings to avoid rotting.

Significantly decrease watering during the cold season as growth is minimal but do not allow the soil to dry out for too long.

Use water that is at room temperature to water the Crassula String of Buttons to avoid shocking this tropical plant as it can cause sudden leaf loss.

Ensure that the pot has a drainage hole and the soil is free-draining to avoid soggy soil as it can lead to rotting and death of the plant.

Light Requirements

String of Buttons Plant grows best in bright light with some direct sunlight of about 4-6 hours per day. Under bright light, the leaves take a rosy pink hue along the edges.

Keep the plant away from hot direct sunshine as it can lead to scorching of the leaves.

Rotate the pot regularly to ensure that the plant receives light on all sides for uniform growth and to prevent lopsided growth.

Crassula perforata can also grow under a grow light where the natural lighting is not sufficient. Take a look at these full spectrum grow lights on Amazon.

Temperature and Humidity

Average warmth between 15-260C is ideal for String of Buttons Plant. Keep it away from cold draughts like windy doors and window, air conditioning units and others as they can cause leaf drop.

Average room humidity is adequate for String of Buttons Plant. It has no need for extra humidity.

Potting Soil

The best soil for Crassula perforata should be low in organic matter, loose and free-draining to avoid getting soggy soil. The soil should be loose enough to allow water to drain out fast enough.

Cactus and Succulents mixes are ideal for this succulent. Buy quality Cactus and Succulents mix from Amazon.


Feed String of Buttons Plant with a balanced, liquid fertilizer every 4 weeks during the growing period to encourage a lush growth.

Do not feed Crassula perforata during the cold season as growth is minimal and feeding at this time may lead to fertilizer burn.


Repot Crassula String of Buttons at the beginning of the growing season only when it becomes pot-bound or when the potting medium is completely broken down. Use a pot one size larger than the current one.

Make sure that the pot has a drainage hole to prevent the soil from getting soggy as it can lead to root-rot disease and eventual death of the plant.

Use a clay pot rather than a plastic or ceramic one as a clay pot is more porous which allows the soil to dry out much faster, therefore, preventing it from staying wet for long periods of time. Take a look at these Terracotta Pots with Saucer on Amazon.


Pruning String of Buttons Plant involves regular removal of dead foliage and flowers to maintain the plant neat as well as discourage pests and diseases. Cutback the straggly stems at the beginning of the growing season to rejuvenate growth.


String of Buttons Plant (Crassula perforata) can be propagated at the beginning of the growing season from offsets, leaf cuttings or stem cuttings.

How to propagate String of Buttons Plant from offsets

Carefully seperate the offset from the mother String of Buttons Plant by cutting with a sharp knife while ensuring that the offset has adequate roots.

Pot the offset in its individual pot in moist, well-drained soil and place in a warm, well-lit place away from direct sunlight.

Maintain the soil slightly moist through out and make sure that there is good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases.

Allow enough time for the new Crassula perforata is well established and then you can begin routine care.

How to propagate String of Buttons Plant from leaf cuttings

Take String of Buttons Plant leaf cuttings complete with the petiole. Allow the leaf cutting to dry out (callus) for a few days.

Once callused, lay the leaf cutting on moist, free-draining soil and ensure that the cut end does not come into contact with the soil.

Position the set up in a well-lit, warm place and ensure that there is good air circulation to minimize the risk of fungal diseases.

Maintain the soil slightly moist until there is growth of a beautiful rosette from the base of the leaf cutting.

Allow substancial growth before transplanting the new String of Buttons Crassula after which routine care can begin.

How to propagate String of Buttons Plant from stem cuttings

Take a 3-4 in. stem cutting from a healthy String of Buttons Succulent and allow the cutting to dry out (callus) for a few days.

Once callused, insert the lower cut end of the stem cutting in moist, well-drained soil.

Place the set up in a well-lit, warm place and ensure that there is good air circulation to reduce the occurence of fungal diseases.

Maintain the soil slightly moist until the stem cutting is rooted. Rooting may take upto 4 weeks.

Allow substancial growth before transplanting the new Crassula perforata after which routine care can begin.

String of Buttons Plant, Crassula perforata

String of Buttons Plant Common Problems

String of Buttons Plant (Crassula perforata) problems include wilted and discolored leaves, leaf drop, brown leaf tips and edges, yellow leaves, dull leaves, pests and diseases among others. Keep reading for more on these problems and their remedies and solutions.

Wilted and discolored leaves with corky swellings (scabs) on the undersides

Wilted and discolored leaves with corky swellings on the undersides in String of Buttons Plant are a sign of root-rot disease which is promoted by soggy soil.

Ensure that the pot has a drainage hole and the soil is free-draining to prevent it from getting soggy.

In addition, reduce watering during the cold season as growth is reduced at this time, so the plant does not need a lot of water. Read more on how to treat root-rot disease in houseplants.

Sudden leaf loss

There are two causes of sudden loss of leaves in String of Buttons Plant. One cause of sudden loss of leaves is that the temperature is too low.

Position the Crassula perforata in a warmer spot and keep it away or protect it from cold draughts and frost.

The second cause of sudden loss of leaves in String of Buttons Succulent is that the plant has been underwatered causing the leaves to drop.


Apart from root-rot, String of Buttons Crassula perforata is also prone to leaf spot disease which is brought about by overwet conditions coupled with poor air circulation.

Improve ventilation to ensure that there is free air circulation for the Crassula perforata at all times and water it from the bottom to avoid wetting the leaves.


Common pests in String of Buttons Crassula are Spider Mites, Aphids and Scale Insects. Isolate the affected plant to reduce spread to other houseplants.

Spray the plant with a solution of 4 parts water to 1 part rubbing alcohol to get rid of the pests. Make sure to cover the entire plant.

Dull and lifeless leaves

Exposing String of Buttons Crassula to hot direct sunlight will cause the leaves to become dull and lifeless. Protect it from hot direct sunlight or move it to a shaded spot.

Yellowing and dropping leaves

Yellowing and dropping leaves in String of Buttons Plant are due to overwatering. Always allow the soil to dry out between waterings and ensure the pot has a drainage hole to prevent the soil from getting soggy.

Brown leaf tips and edges

Brown leaf tips and edges in String of Buttons Succulent are due to sudden drop in temperature from cold draughts. Remove all the damaged leaves and keep the plant away from cold draughts like windy doors and windows.

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