16 Types of Kalanchoe Plants with Pictures | Different Kalanchoe Varieties
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Kalanchoe are flowering succulent plants in the family Crassulaceae which are grown for their decorative foliage and magnificent blooms.
Kalanchoe varieties are easy-care, succulent plants which flourish in bright light to full sunlight, average warmth of 16-280C, moderate humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained, succulents potting soil coupled with monthly feeding in the growing season.
The Kalanchoe genus comprises of about 125 species but only a few are in cultivation either indoors or outdoors. Kalanchoe plants are some of the popular succulent plants for the home, office and other suitable spaces.
If you are looking to add Kalanchoe to your collection, we have outlined below 16 types of Kalanchoe Plants that are ideal for the home.
16 Different Kalanchoe Varieties for the Home
The best Kalanchoe varieties include Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Kalanchoe thyrsiflora, Kalanchoe marmorata, Kalanchoe beharensis, Kalanchoe tomentosa, Kalanchoe daigremontiana among others.
1. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (Flaming Katy)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
Common names: Flaming Katy, Christmas Kalanchoe, Florist Kalanchoe, Madagascar Widow's-thrill
Origin: Madagascar
Height: 1-2 feet
Flowers: Red, orange, yellow, white, purple or pink
Flaming Katy is one of the best flowering plants on account of its long lasting flowers and its leaves which turn reddish in bright light.
Flaming Katy has numerous varieties like Bali with red flowers, Mistral with lilac flowers, Fortyniner with yellow flowers, Tarantella with orange flowers and Vesuvius with red flowers. Miniatures like Compact Lilliput, Tom Thumb and Margarethe among others.
Learn how to grow and care for Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (Flaming Katy)
2. Kalanchoe thyrsiflora (Paddle Plant)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe thyrsiflora
Common names: Paddle Plant, Desert Cabbage, FlapJack, White Lady
Origin: Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa and Swaziland
Height: 1-2 feet
Flowers: Greenish waxy with yellow recurved lobes, narrowly urn-shaped
Paddle Plant is grown for its foliage which is a basal rosette of large, rounded, succulent, stalkless leaves which are grayish-green with red margins in bright light and are covered with a white powdery bloom.
Desert Cabbage is a low-growing plant which grows to a height of 1-2 feet only. On account of its compact size and spectacular foliage, it is among the best plants for a sunny balcony where it will add a splash of color in the bright light.
Learn how to grow and care for Kalanchoe thyrsiflora (Paddle Plant)
3. Kalanchoe marmorata (Pen Wiper Plant)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe marmorata
Common names: Pen Wiper Plant
Origin: Central and West Africa, from Zaire to Ethiopia, Sudan and Somali
Height: 1.5 feet
Flowers: Starry white, four-petalled, sometimes tinged with pink
Pen Wiper Plant is a popular foliage succulent plant that is grown for its large scalloped and brown-blotched leaves. The flowers are starry white, four-petalled and are sometimes tinged with pink.
Penwiper Plant is a low-growing, compact plant which grows to a height of 16 inches and about 16 inches wide. On account of its small size, it is one of the best plants for the limited spaces in the home, office and other places.
Learn how to grow and care for Kalanchoe marmorata (Pen Wiper Plant)
4. Kalanchoe beharensis (Elephant's Ear Kalanchoe)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe beharensis
Common names: Elephant's Ear Kalanchoe, Felt Bush, Velvet Elephant Ear
Origin: Madagascar
Height: 3-5 feet
Flowers: Small and yellowish, urn-shaped
Elephant's Ear Kalanchoe is one of the popular foliage Kalanchoe that is grown for its large, fleshy, velvety, olive-green, traingular-shaped leaves which are covered by brown hairs.
On account of its succulent foliage which stores water thus enabling the plant to go for considerably long without being watered, Felt Bush is among the best drought tolerant plants that you can grow in any space.
Learn how to grow and care for Kalanchoe beharensis (Elephant's Ear Kalanchoe)
5. Kalanchoe tomentosa (Panda Plant)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe tomentosa
Common names: Panda Plant, Pussy Ears Kalanchoe, Chocolate Soldier
Origin: Madagascar
Height: 1.5 feet
Flowers: Fuzzy, bell-shaped flowers
Panda Plant is a popular succulent plant on account of its silvery-green, brown-edged, furry or woolly leaves which give it the common names, 'Pussy Ears' and 'Chocolate Soldier'.
Due to its requirement for exposure to direct sunlight for development of the brown tinge of its leaves, Chocolate Soldier Plant is among the sun-loving plants perfect for a sunny spot.
Learn how to grow and care for Kalanchoe tomentosa (Panda Plant)
6. Kalanchoe daigremontiana (Devil's Backbone Kalanchoe)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe daigremontiana
Synonmys: Byrophyllum daigremontianum, Kalanchoe daigremontianum
Common names: Devil's Backbone Kalanchoe, Mother of Thousands Kalanchoe, Alligator Plant, Mexican Hat Plant
Origin: southwest Madagascar
Height: 3 feet
Flowers: Greyish-pink or reddish to purple, bell-shaped
Devil's Backbone Kalanchoe is a monocarpic succulent which bears thick, fleshy leaves with numerous bulbils (plantlets) on the teeth and used for propagating new plants.
On account of its love for sunlight, Mother of Thousands Kalanchoe is one of the best succulents for full sun conditions.
Learn how to grow and care for Kalanchoe daigremontiana (Devil's Backbone Kalanchoe)
7. Kalanchoe uniflora (Trailing Kalanchoe)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe uniflora
Common names: Trailing Kalanchoe, Coral Bells, Coral Berry, Winter Bells
Origin: Madagascar
Height: 3 feet
Flowers: Bright red to red-violet, bell-shaped
Trailing Kalanchoe is a spectacular, succulent, climbing plant which bears fleshy, bright-green leaves and bright-red to red-violet, bell-shaped flowers.
Coral Bells is one of the best flowering plants for a hanging basket or a pedestal where the pendulous stems and colorful flowers can hang down beautifully.
Learn how to grow and care for Kalanchoe uniflora (Trailing Kalanchoe)
8. Kalanchoe humilis (Spotted Kalanchoe)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe humilis
Synonmys: Kalanchoe prasina
Common names: Spotted Kalanchoe, Stripped Kalanchoe
Origin: Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique
Height: 1 foot
Flowers: Purple, green, or red
Kalanchoe humilis is a succulent shrub which bears pale green leaves, strongly marked with maroon and purple spots or stripes. The leaves are egg-shaped and have a slight glaucous bloom on both sides.
9. Kalanchoe pinnata (Cathedral Bells)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe pinnata
Synonmys: Crassula pinnata, Cotyledon pinnata, Bryophyllum pinnatum
Common names: Cathedral Bells, Air Plant, Curtain Plant, Floppers, Miracle Leaf
Origin: Madagascar
Height: 1.5 feet
Flowers: Red to greenish-red above, green undersides
Cathedral Bells bears scalloped green leaves which are streaked with purple and edged with orange-red. Miniature plantlets form on the leaf margin even when the leaf is detached from the mother plant.
10. Kalanchoe manginii (Beach Bells)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe manginii
Synonmys: Bryophyllum manginii
Common names: Beach Bells, Chandelier Plant
Origin: Madagascar
Height: 1.5 feet
Flowers: Reddish-orange to bright red, bell-shaped, pointing downwards
Beach Bells glossy, green, rounded leaves are borne on arching branches. The leaves turn reddish when the plant is grown in full sunlight.
11. Kalanchoe rotundifolia (Common Kalanchoe)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe rotundifolia
Synonmys: Crassula rotundifolia
Common names: Common Kalanchoe
Origin: South Africa, Mozambique
Height: 3.3 feet
Flowers: Yellow or orange
Kalanchoe rotundifolia is shrubby plant which bears fleshy, rounded or lobed green leaves on slender stems. The leaves turn reddish when the plant is grown in full sunlight. It flowers in fall through to early winter.
12. Kalanchoe orgyalis (Copper Spoons)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe orgyalis
Synonmys: Kalanchoe antanosiana, Kalanchoe cantonasyana
Common names: Copper Spoons, Cinnamon Bear, Leather Plant, Shoe Leather Kalanchoe
Origin: Southern and South-western Madagascar
Height: 6 feet
Flowers: Bright yellow terminal clusters
Copper Spoons is a multi-branched shrubby plant which bears ovate leaves that are folded upward from the middle. The undersides are bronze to grey while the upper surface is felted with fine cinnamon-colored hairs. With age the upper surface changes to the same color as the underside.
13. Kalanchoe bracteata (Silver Teaspoons)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe bracteata
Common names: Silver Teaspoons
Origin: South-eastern Madagascar
Height: 5 feet
Flowers: Red or orange-red
Silver Teaspoons is a multi-branched shrubby succulent plant which is covered with characteristic hairy scales and a waxy secretion which gives it a bald (smooth) appearance. The leaves are egg-shaped, with a short petiole and slightly pointed.
14. Kalanchoe pumila (Flower Dust Plant)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe pumila
Synonmys: Kalanchoe brevicaulis, Kalanchoe multiceps
Common names: Flower Dust Plant
Origin: Madagascar
Height: 1 foot
Flowers: Upright clusters of pink-violet with conspicous yellow anthers
Flower Dust Plant is a shrubby plant densely covered with round toothed leaves which are covered with soft whitish waxy hairs making the plant appear frosted.
15. Kalanchoe laciniata (Christmas Tree Kalanchoe)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe laciniata
Synonmys: Kalanchoe acutifolia, Cotyledon heterophylla
Common names: Christmas Tree Kalanchoe, Christmas Tree Plant, Lacy Leaf Kalanchoe
Origin: Morocco, Arabian Penisula, southern India, southern and southwestern Africa
Height: 5 feet
Flowers: Fragrant, vary from yellow to yellow-green to orange
Christmas Tree Kalanchoe is a succulent plant with a reddish, erect stem covered by thick, fleshy, green leaves which vary in shape.
16. Kalanchoe delagoensis (Mother of Millions)

Botanical name: Kalanchoe delagoensis
Synonmys: Kalanchoe tubiflora, Bryophyllum delagoensis
Common names: Mother of Millions, Chandelier Plant
Origin: Madagascar
Height: 6 feet
Flowers: Reddish to green, bell-shaped
Mother of Millions is a perennial upright plant which bears slightly cyrindrical leaves which are reddish-green to grey-green with reddish brown spots. The leaves bear plantlets at the edges which when they drop on the soil grow into new plants.