18 Low-light Bathroom Plants that Absorb Moisture and Freshen the Air

The bathroom is a perfect space for low light plants that love or absorb moisture. The humid, warm and low light conditions existing in the bathroom are ideal for most tropical plants.

Moisture-loving plants absorb moisture through their leaves. This reduces the humidity (moisture) and also freshens up the bathroom.

Bathroom Indoor Plants

It is important to avoid overcrowding the bathroom with too many plants. Usually a few plants are adequate for most bathrooms owing to the normal size of a bathroom.

To save on space in the bathroom, plants can be placed on a shelf, a windowsill or in a hanging basket. A floor standing plant is perfect for a large bathroom.

We have outlined herebelow 18 best low light plants for the bathroom that absorb moisture.

18 Best Low-light Bathroom Plants

Our list of the best low-light plants for the bathroom that absorb moisture include; Pothos, Chinese Evergreen, Snake Plant, Asplenium Fern, Nerve Plants among others. Read on for the complete list.

1. Pothos (Scindapsus aureus)

Pothos, Scindapsus aureus

Pothos also called Devil's Ivy, Devil's Vine or Money Plant are popular plants that easily adapt to a wide range of growing conditions including a well-lit bathroom.

Devil's Ivy can be grown in a hanging basket or as a specimen plant on a table or pedestal where the stems can hang down beautifully.

Money Plants will thrive in medium to bright, indirect light away from direct sunlight, moderately warm and humid conditions and moderately moist, rich, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Pothos

2. Nerve Plants (Fittonia)

Nerve Plant, Fittonia

Nerve Plants also called Net plants, Lace leaf or Snakeskin are easily recognisable from their leaves which bear a prominent network of white, pink or red veins.

Fittonia are easy to grow under room conditions when provided with warmth and abundant moisture around the leaves as is common in a bathroom.

Net Plants will flourish in medium to bright, indirect light away from direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions and consistently moist, rich, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Nerve Plants

3. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii)

Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum wallisii

The moist and warm conditions in the bathroom are ideal for the spectacular Peace Lily. Place it near a window or in a brightly lit spot and it will thrive.

Peace Lily is also known for its air cleaning properties as it gets rid of rid of xylene, toulene, benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia from indoor air.

Spathiphyllum wallisii thrives in bright, indirect light away from direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions and moderately moist, well-drained, rich soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Peace Lily

4. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider Plant, Chlorophytum comosum

A hanging basket of Spider Plant is an excellent choice for a bathroom. Place it in a well-lit spot and it will thrive in the moist bathroom conditions.

Spider Plant is easy to grow and is also a good indoor air cleaner which gets rid of benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and toulene from indoor air.

Several varieties of Chlorophytum comosum are available with varying variegation form like 'Variegatum' with green leaves trimmed in white and 'Vittatum' with a central white stripe on green leaves.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Spider Plant

5. Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

Snake Plant, Mother-in-law's Tongue Plant

Snake Plant also called Mother-in-law's Tongue Plant easily adapts to a wide variations in the growing conditions including the low lit and humid bathroom conditions.

Snake Plant is also known for improving indoor air quality as it removes formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toulene and trichloroethylene from indoor air.

Mother-in-law's Tongue Plant also produces high levels of oxygen at night as it is a CAM (Crassulacean Acidic Metabolism) plant.

Learn how to grow and care for Snake Plants

6. Bird's Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus)

Bird's Nest Fern, Asplenium nidus

Bird's Nest Fern or Asplenium Fern is native to the warm, moist, tropical rains forest, therefore the moist humid bathroom conditions are ideal for this plant.

Being a large plant, Bird's Nest Fern can be grown as a focal point plant or in a hanging basket where the long spear-like leaves can hang freely.

Asplenium Fern thrives in bright, indirect light, warm and humid conditions and consistently moist, rich, well drained soils.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Bird's Nest Fern

7. Chinese Evergreens (Aglaonema)

Chinese Evergreens, Aglaonema

Chinese Evergreens are easily adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions. Even in poorly lit spots, which is a common feature in most bathrooms, they will easily adapt.

Aglaonemas are also known to be effective in cleaning indoor air of benzene and formaldehyde.

Chinese Evergreens grow best in medium to bright light away from direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions and moderately moist, rich, well-drained soils.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Chinese Evergreens

8. Creeping Moss (Selaginella)

Creeping Moss, Selaginella

Creeping Moss is an excellent choice for a bathroom. The tiny leaves will shrivel in ordinary room conditions. The warm, moist bathroom conditions mimick the conditions in its natural habitat.

Several varieties of Creeping Moss are available where some are trailing and others bear upright stems upto 1 ft high.

Selaginella prefers bright, indirect light away from direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions and consistently moist, rich, well-drained soils.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Creeping Moss

9. Emerald Ripple Peperomia (Pepperomia caperata)

Emerald Ripple Peperomia, Peperomia caperata

Emerald Ripple Peperomias are moisture-loving plants which will thrive in the warm, moist bathroom conditions.

Peperomia caperata beautifully colored and patterned foliage is an excellent addition to any houseplants collection.

Emerald Ripple Peperomia thrives in warm, humid conditions, medium to bright, indirect light and moderately moist, fertile, free-draining soils.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Emerald Ripple Peperomia

10. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

English Ivy, Hedera helix

English Ivy is an easy to grow indoor plant which easily adapts to a wide range of growing conditions including the bathroom.

Hedera helix can be grown in a hanging basket, on table or on a pedestal where the stems are allowed to trail downwards to display its beauty.

English Ivy is also known for its air purification properties where it gets rid of most of the indoor air pollutants.

Learn more on how to grow and care for English Ivy

11. Alocasia cuprea

Alocasia cuprea

Alocasia cuprea is a spectacular addition to any houseplant collection and is one of the popular Alocasia plants on account of its magnificent foliage with a metallic shine.

The Alocasia cuprea is a slow growing plant which grows to a height of 1 ft in about 2 years. The leaves are enormous and can grow to 1 ft long.

Alocasia cuprea thrives in bright, indirect light away from direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions and consistently moist, rich, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Alocasia cuprea

12. Pilea cadierei (Aluminium Plant)

Pilea cadierei, Aluminium Plant, Watermelon Pilea

Aluminium Plant or Watermelon Pilea is an evergreen plant which bears dark-green oval leaves, each bearing raised silvery patches and hence the common names.

Pilea cadierei is native to China and Vietnam. The species name "cadierei" is in honour of the 20th century botanist R.P. Cadiere.

Aluminium Plant grows best in bright, indirect light away from direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions and moderately moist, rich, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Pilea cadierei

13. Calathea Plants

Calathea lancifolia

Calathea Plants are grown for their ornately patterned leaves which will add a splash of color to any space and make a spectacular focal point in any room.

Calatheas are also popular plants on account of their curious characteristic of raising and closing their leaves at night.

Calathea thrive in medium to bright, indirect light away from direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Calathea Plants

14. Parlour Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

Parlour Palm, Chamaedorea elegans

Parlour Palm is a popular indoor palm for the poorly-lit spaces, is easy to grow and is ideal for the small (limited) spaces.

Chamaedorea elegans is native to the dense forests of Guatemala and Southern Mexico an environment that is consistently warm and humid.

Parlour Palm has a high tolerance for low light and artificial light. However, it prefers bright indirect light, rich well-drained soils and warm temperatures.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Parlour Palm

15. Baby's Tears Plant (Soleirolia soleirolii)

Baby's Tears Plant, Soleirolia soleirolii

Baby's Tears Plant is a fast-growing plant which bears green or yellow tiny leaves and multitudes of tiny white flowers that is ideal for a hanging basket.

Several varieties of Soleirolia soleirolii are available; argentea has silvery leaves, Aurea has golden-green foliage and Variegata has silvery green variegated leaves among others.

Baby's Tears Plant thrives in bright, indirect light, warm and humid conditions and consistently moist soil that is rich in organic matter.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Baby's Tears Plant

16. Maranta (Maranta leuconeura)

Maranta Plant, Prayer Plant

Maranta leuconeura are low growing plants with long leaves known for their curious habit of folding and raising at night and hence their common name, Prayer Plant.

Maranta are native to tropical Central and South America and the West Indies. They are named for Bartolomeo Maranta, an Italian physician and botanist of the 16th century.

Maranta Plants thrive in partial light, a warm and humid enviroment and consistently moist, fertile, well-drained soil .

Learn more on how to grow and care for Maranta Plants

17. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensis')

Boston Fern, Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensis'

Boston Fern is an attractive, hardy fern which bears gracefully arching fronds and leaves which are highly compound whose edges appear slightly serrate.

The Boston Fern can be displayed on a pedestal, in a hanging basket, as a specimen plant or as a part of a grouping.

Boston Fern thrives in bright, indirect light away from direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions and consistently moist, fertile, well-drained soil.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Boston Fern

18. Air Plants (Grey Tillandsia)

Air Plant, Tillandsia, Grey Tillandsia

Air Plants (Grey Tillandsia) are unique plants that do not need to be planted in a potting medium as furry scales on their foliage take up water from humid air and obtain nutrients from air-borne dust and moisture.

Grey Tillandsia literally live on air and hence the common name "Air Plants". These plants can be displayed by sticking them on coral, shells, drift wood, hanging them and many other ways.

Air Plants grow best in bright light but away from direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions coupled with fortnightly feeding during the growing season.

Learn more on how to grow and care for Air Plants

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