15 Low Light Indoor Trees (Indoor Trees that Thrive in Low light Spaces)
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Low light indoor trees are large or tall plants which easily to adapt to low light or dark spaces and continue to brighten up the shaded spaces.
Indoor Trees can grow from a height of 4 feet to 10 feet when grown indoors and are perfect for filling large empty spaces where they can create a dramatic effect.
Most indoor trees are low maintenance plants. However, when selecting trees for indoors, consider their level of care and go for the easy care trees.
15 Best Indoor Trees for Low Light Spaces
Our choice of the best low light indoor trees include Madagascar Dragon Tree, Corn Palm, Butterfly Palm, Hawaiian Schefflera, Begonia lucerna, Fishtail Palm, Reed Palm among others.
1. Madagascar Dragon Tree

Botanical name: Dracaena marginiata
Common name: Madagascar Dragon Tree
Origin: Madagascar and other Indian Ocean Islands
Height: 8-10 ft
Madagascar Dragon Tree thrives in bright to medium indirect light away from sunlight, average warmth and moderately moist, rich, well-drained soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.
Read more on how to grow and care for Madagascar Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata)
2. Copperleaf Plant

Botanical name: Acalypha wilkesiana
Common name: Copperleaf Plant, Jacob's Coat, Fire Dragon Plant
Origin: Fiji Islands, New Caledonia
Height: 9-10 ft
Acalypha wilkesiana also called Jacob's Coat or Fire Dragon is one of the popular, vibrant tree-like plants which exhibits attractive leaf colors making it a great accent plant in any space.
The broad, ovate to heart-shaped, serrated leaves can range from red, copper, bronze to pink, green and white, giving them a beautiful vibrant appearance. It is one of the best plants for the living room where it will create a magnificent first impression.
Acalypha wilkesiana flourishes in bright, indirect light (filtered light), moderate warmth of 18-270C, humidity of 55-70% and evenly moist, rich, well drained, all purpose potting soil coupled with fortnightly feeding in the growing season.
Learn more on how to grow and care for Copperleaf Plant (Acalypha wilkesiana)
3. Butterfly Palm

Botanical name: Dypsis lutescens
Common names: Areca Palm, Butterfly Palm, Golden Cane Palm, Yellow palm
Origin: Madagascar
Height: 6-10 ft
Butterfly Palm prefers bright to medium indirect light away from hot direct sunlight, average warmth and humidity and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained soil accompanied by monthly feeding during the growing season.
Read more on how to grow and care for Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)
4. Hawaiian Schefflera

Botanical name: Schefflera arboricola
Common names: Dwarf Umbrella Tree, Hawaiian Schefflera, Dwarf Schefflera
Origin: Taiwan and Hainan
Height: 4-6 ft
Hawaiian Schefflera is one of the popular fast-growing plants which will tolerate to some level of neglect and easily adapts to a wide range of growing conditions.
It bears about ten leaflets radiating from each leaf-stalk. Under the right conditions, it will produce aerial roots which will convert to fully functional roots when they reach the ground.
Schefflera arboricola thrives in medium to bright light (dappled light), moderate warmth of 16-280C, average humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained, all purpose potting mixes coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.
Learn more on how to grow and care for Dwarf Umbrella Tree (Schefflera arboricola)
5. Begonia lucerna

Botanical name: Begonia lucerna
Common names: Begonia lucerna
Origin: hybrid by Wettstein of Lucerne, Switzerland
Height: 10 ft
Begonia lucerna is one of the highly valued of the Begonia plants varieties for its ability to grow in low light environment while providing extravagant colours.
Begonia lucerna may be less spectacular in bloom than other Begonias but like Begonia coccinea (Angel Wing Begonia) and Begonia maculata (Polka Dot Begonia), it has the advantage of keeping its large, beautiful "Angel Wing" leaves through out the year.
Begonia lucerna prospers in medium to bright, indirect light, average warmth of 18-240C, above average humidity of 60-70% and consistently moist, rich, well-drained, all purpose potting soil coupled with fortnightly feeding in the growing season.
Read more on how to grow and care for Begonia lucerna
6. Fishtail Palm

Botanical name: Caryota mitis
Common names: Fishtail Palm, Clustering Fishtail Palm
Origin: Tropical Asia; India to Java to Southern China
Height: 6-8 ft
Fishtail Palm grows best in bright, indirect light away from direct sunlight and moderately moist, rich, well-drained soil coupled with regular feeding during the growing season.
Learn more on how to grow and care for Fishtail Palm (Caryota mitis)
7. Aralia balfouriana

Botanical name: Polyscias balfouriana
Common names: Aralia balfouriana, Dinnerplate Aralia, Balfour Aralia
Origin: New Guinea to Queensland, Australia
Height: 8 ft
Aralia balfouriana like Ming Aralia (Polyscias fruticosa) thrives in bright light away from direct sunlight, warm and humid conditions and moderately moist, fertile, well-drained soils coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.
Read on how to grow and care for Aralia balfouriana (Polyscias balfouriana)
8. Canary Island Date Palm

Botanical name: Phoenix canariensis
Common names: Canary Island Date Palm, Pineapple Palm
Origin: Canary Islands
Height: 6 ft
Phoenix canariensis grows best in bright, indirect light, warm and humid conditions and moderately moist, well drained soil that is rich in organic matter coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.
Learn how to grow and care for Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis)
9. Lacy Tree Philodendron

Botanical name: Philodendron selloum
Common name: Lacy Tree Philodendron, Tree Philodendron, Splitleaf Philodendron
Origin: Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay
Height: 5-6 ft
Lacy Tree Philodendron is among the non-climbing Philodendron varieties with simple, large, deeply-lobed, ruffle-edged, drooping, dark-green leaves and is most impressive in a large space for a bold statment.
Philodendron selloum flourishes in medium to bright indirect light (filtered light), warm and humid conditions and moderately moist, fertile, free-draining, aroids soils coupled with monthly feeding in the growing season.
Learn more on how to grow and care for Lacy Tree Philodendron (Philodendron selloum)
10. Lady Palm

Botanical name: Rhapis excelsa
Common name: Lady Palm
Origin: India and Asia
Height: 6 ft
Lady Palm grows best in bright to medium light, warm and moderately humid conditions and moderately moist, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.
Read more on how to grow and care for Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)
11. Leea Burgundy

Botanical name: Leea coccinea
Common names: Leea Burgundy, Red Leea, Hawaiian Holly, West Indian Holly 'Rubra'
Origin: Australia, New Guinea, Asia, Africa
Height: 6-8 ft
Leea Burgundy is a rare statement plant whose foliage in young plants is bronzy red but turns green when mature. It is among the best purple-leafed plants which will create a great focal point in any space.
Leea coccinea flourishes in medium to bright light (filtered light), average warmth of 18-290C, moderate humidity of 50-55% and consistently moist, rich, well-drained, all purpose potting mix coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.
Learn more on how to grow and care for Leea Burgundy (Leea coccinea)
12. Corn Palm

Botanical name: Dracaena fragrans
Common names: Corn Palm, Corn Plant, Striped Dracaena, Compact Dracaena
Origin: Sudan south, Mozambique, C么te d'Ivoire, Angola
Height: 6 ft
Corn Palm thrives in bright, indirect light away from direct sunlight, average warmth and consistently moist, rich, well-drained soil coupled with monthly feeding.
Read more on how to grow and care for Corn Palm (Dracaena fragrans)
13. Dragon Blood Tree

Botanical name: Dracaena draco
Common names: Dragon Blood Tree, Canary Islands Dragon Tree, Dragon Tree, Drago
Origin: Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Madeira and western Morocco
Height: 4 ft
Dragon Blood Tree like Dracaena deremensis grows best in bright, indirect light (dappled light), average warmth, moderate humidity and consistently moist, rich, well-drained, all purpose potting soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.
Learn more on how to grow and care for Dragon Blood Tree (Dracaena draco)
14. Reed Palm

Botanical name: Chamaedorea seifrizii
Common names: Reed Palm, Clustered-parlour-palm, Cane Palm
Origin: Mexico and Central America
Height: 6-10 ft
Reed Palm like Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea erumpens) thrives in bright, indirect light, average warmth ,moderate humidity and moderately moist, rich, well-drained, all purpose potting soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.
Read more on how to grow and care for Reed Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)
15. Kentia Palm

Botanical name: Howea forsteriana
Common names: Kentia Palm, Paradise Palm, Thatch Palm
Origin: Lord Howe Island
Height: 8 ft
Reed Palm grows best in bright indirect light, warm and humid conditions and moderately moist, rich, well-drained soil.
Learn more on how to grow and care for Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)