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Find expert tips on growing, caring for, and propagating indoor and outdoor plants at HomePlantsGuide. Learn how to keep your plants healthy and thriving year-round!
African Violet is propagate from leaf cuttings, offshoots, plant division or seeds. The best time to propagate is spring to early summer when the plant is actively growing to enhance establishment.
Aluminium Plant is propagated in spring and early summer from stem cuttings or by plant division. This guide will walk you through the best propagation techniques and step-by-step instructions for successfully growing new plants.
Anthuriums are easy to grow but like all plants they can experience various issues. In this guide, we will cover the most common Anthurium problems and provide practical solutions to restore its health.
Anthuriums are propagated during the growing season by plant division, from stem cuttings and by germination of seeds. In this guide, we discuss these methods and how you can easily propagate new plants.
Brown leaves are caused by cultural faults like underwatering, overwatering, exposure to direct sunlight, low humidity, nutrient deficiency, diseases and pests among others. Learn how to fix them, and how to prevent the problem in the future.
Yellowing leaves in indoor plants can be a sign of various underlying issues which include overwatering, wrong temperature, low humidity, nutrient deficiency, diseases and pests among others. Learn how to fix them to keep your plants healthy and thriving.
Houseplants winter care involves increasing lighting, reducing watering, cleaning the leaves, maintaining warm temperatures, raising humidity, withholding feeding among others.
The best trailing flowering plants for hanging baskets are Trailing Kalanchoe, Ivy Geranium, Fuchsia Plant, Paper Flower, Common Lantana, Goldfish Plant, Madagascar Jasmine, Black-eyed Susan among others.
Our choice of the best Purple-leaved Plants include Persian Shield Plant, Silver Inch Plant, Purple waffle Plant, Purple Passion Plant, Purple Heart Plant, Painted-leaf Begonia, Leea Burgundy among others.
The Best Plants for the Front Porch or Entrance are Flaming Katy, Bird of Paradise Plant, Sago Palm, Bougainvillea Plant, Chinese Hibiscus, Areca Palm, Bush Lily, Dwarf Umbrella Tree, Lacy Tree Philodendron, Dracaena deremensis among others.
Small Indoor Plants for low light spaces are perfect for spots that don't receive sunlight as they are small enough to fit these places and still continue to grow."
Our selection of the Best Plants for an Office Desk with No Windows include; Spider Plant, Heartleaf Philodendron, ZZ Plant, Chinese Evergreens, Pothos, English Ivy, Asparagus Fern, Parlour Palm, Snake Plants among many others.
Some Anthuriums are considered rare plants as they are not easily available. They include Anthurium veitchii, Anthurium warocqueanum, Anthurium clarinervium, Anthurium dorayaki, Anthurium pallidiflorum, Anthurium magnificum, Anthurium papillilaminum among others.
Here is our selection of 16 best potting mixes for Indoor Plants based on their ingredients, drainage, soil amendments and type of plant they are to be used for. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to