Homeplantsguide - Page 4 of Your Guide to Growing Plants at Home

Here are the best detailed tips on growing plants at home. Learn how to plant, grow, care, prune and propagate your favorite plants.

Large Low Light Plants Collage

25 Best Large Low Light Plants for the Living Room with Pictures

Large low light indoor plants make a bold statement, create a wow factor in any space which will give the living room a spectacular and welcoming sight.

Plants for Study Table Collage

21 Best Plants for a Study Table that Boost Concentration and Productivity

Plants for a study table should be small enough for the limited space on the table and able to increase productivity from their air cleaning properties and or aesthetic appeal.

Hanging Flower Plants

16 Best Flowering Plants for Indoor Hanging Baskets

Flowering plants in a hanging basket are an excellent way of adding a splash of color indoors as well as pleasant scents in the home.

Indoor Flowering Plants collage

30 Best Indoor Flowering Plants to Add Color to Your Home

Indoor flowering plants add a splash of color to brighten up any home. Flowers for indoors come in many forms and colors. Some are quite easy to grow while some may require special attention.

Chinese Hibiscus, Tropical Hibiscus, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

10 Tips on How to Keep Tropical Hibiscus Blooming

Tropical Hibiscus are prolific bloomers and will reward you with a profusion of flowers if you keep them happy by providing the right growing conditions.

Hardy Hibiscus Collage

3 Hardy Hibiscus Species You can Grow in Your Garden

Hardy Hibiscus are native to the temperate regions and can tolerate cold winter temperatures where they die back in winter and come back in spring when the temperatures begin to warm up.

Indoor Trees Collage

24 Best Indoor Trees to Spruce Up Your Home

Indoor Trees are plants that make a bold statement in any space, are ideal for filling up the large spaces and are good indoor air cleaners. Take a look at our selection.

Crassula Varieties Collage

16 Types of Crassula Plants Varieties with Names & Pictures

Crassula Varieties are all succulent plants which bear fleshy leaves and are easy to grow indoors when the right growing conditions are provided.

Ficus Plants Collage

12 Types of Ficus Plants Varieties with Names & Pictures

Ficus Plants are a delight in any space. If you are looking for these tree-like plants for collection, check out our selection for a good choice.

Rubber Plants Collage

9 Types of Rubber Plants (Ficus elastica) Varieties with Pictures

Rubber Plants or Rubber Figs are tree-like plants with a high tolerance to drought conditions and are perfect for growing indoors. Check out our selection.

Rubber Plant, Ficus elastica

14 Reasons Why Rubber Plant is Dropping Leaves & How to Fix Them

Rubber Plant or Rubber Fig may drop its leaves due to a number of varied reasons. Find out some of the common reasons for this.

Philodendron Plants Collage

20 Types of Philodendron Plants Varieties with Names & Pictures

Philodendron comprises of a large group of plants, ideal for growing in the home. Make your choice of these 'tree-loving' plants from our list.


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