33 Syngonium (Arrowhead Plant) Varieties with Names and Pictures
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Syngoniums commonly called Goosefoot Vine, Arrowhead Plant, Arrowhead Vine, African Evergreen, Arrowhead Philodendron, American Evergreen or Nephthytis are compact, fast-growing plants with spectacular arrow-shaped leaves which change shape as the plant grows.
The young leaves are borne on erect stems and the variegation is boldest and brightest at this stage. With age the stems acquire a climbing habit and may be upto 5 feet long while the leaves become lobed. Arrowhead Vine is one of the best small plants for the limited spaces.
Syngonium podophyllum is native the tropical regions of Latin America from Mexico to Bolivia and naturalized in West Indies, Florida, Texas and Hawaii. It is one the best tropical foliage plants for indoors.

Unfortunately, all parts of Syngoniums are toxic to humans and pets and can cause severe pain in the mouth if eaten. The plant sap contains oxalic acid which can cause severe burning sensations on the skin and eye damage.
Nonetheless, Arrowhead Vines are easy to grow and flourish in bright, indirect light (dappled light), average warmth of 15-280C, moderate humidity of 50-55% and consistently moist, rich, well-drained, all purpose potting soils coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.
Arrowhead Vine has many variegated cultivars with the main difference being in the position and extent of the colored markings. Some leaves are almost entirely white, pink, red or yellow.
The varieties with variegated leaves require a more brighter spot to maintain the variegation but the dark-green leaved ones can grow in darker spaces.
Where the natural lighting is not adequate, consider investing in grow lights to ensure that the plant receives the correct amount of light. Learn how to grow and care for Syngonium (Arrowhead Vines).
Are you looking to add Syngoniums to your collection? We have listed herebelow 33 of the most popular Arrowhead Plant Varieties for growing in the home.
33 Enchanting Syngonium Varieties for Your Home
Some of the popular Syngonium varieties are Syngonium Albo Variegatum, Syngonium Batik, Syngonium Berry Allusion, Syngonium Cream Allusion, Syngonium Golden Allusion, Syngonium Bronze Maria, Syngonium Emerald Gem among others.
1. Syngonium Albo Variegatum

Syngonium Albo Variegatum features green leaves with striking white variegation which can be in the form of stripes or patches.
2. Syngonium angustatum

Syngonium angustatum bears tri-lobed green leaves yellow along the midrib. With age the yellow color becomes more pronounced while the leaves can bear upto 9 lobes.
3. Syngonium Batik

Syngonium Batik features deep-green, arrow-shaped leaves with a white coloration along the veins. It is a climbing variety.
4. Syngonium Berry Allusion

Syngonium Berry Allusion is characterized by arrowhead-shaped leaves with a mix of green and burgundy colors which create a visually appealing contrast.
5. Syngonium Bold Allusion

Syngonium Bold Allusion bears bold and attractive arrowhead-shaped leaves with a combination of green, pink, and white variegation.
6. Syngonium Bronze Maria

Syngonium Bronze Maria is a striking variety which features deep bronze toned, arrowhead-shaped leaves, with red veins.
7. Syngonium Cream Allusion

Syngonium Cream Allusion is a compact variety which features light-green leaves with pink veins and dark-green leaf edges.
8. Syngonium Emerald Gem

Syngonium Emerald Gem features dark-green, arrow-shaped leaves with light-green veins and white variegations.
9. Syngonium Emerald Green

Syngonium Emerald Green is a hardy, climbing variety with glossy, dark-green, arrow-shaped leaves and is ideal for dark spots.
10. Syngonium Godzilla

Syngonium Godzilla is an interesting climbing variety which bears contorted green and white leaves.
11. Syngonium Golden Allusion

Syngonium Golden Allusion is a climbing plant with light-green, arrow-shaped leaves with a hint of lime yellow and pinkish veins.
12. Syngonium Green Gold

Syngonium Green Gold is a trailing plant which features dark-green, arrow-shaped leaves with light-green to cream veins.
13. Syngonium Holly

Syngonium Holly features leaves with a silver-green hue and a central vein that resembles a feather or a holly leaf.
14. Syngonium Imperial White

Syngonium Imperial White features arrowhead-shaped, white leaves with some green variegation along the edges.
15. Syngonium Little Star

Syngonium Little Star is a rare variety which features white leaves, multi-lobed leaves with green edges which resemble a star, hence the name.
16. Syngonium Magic Marble

Syngonium Magic Marble also called Syngonium Three Kings bears arrow-shaped, with a marbled appearance and have patches of shades of green and pure white.
17. Syngonium Mango Allusion

Syngonium Mango Allusion bears leaves with a combination of green and mango-colored variegation which intensifies in good light.
18. Syngonium Maria Allusion

Syngonium Maria Allusion is similar to 'Pink Allusion' but has more extensive and vibrant pink variegation on the leaves.
19. Syngonium Milk Confetti

Syngonium Milk Confetti features very light green or mint, arrow-shaped leaves with red and pink patches and spots.
20. Syngonium Neon Robusta

Syngonium Neon Robusta features bright, neon-green leaves which intensifies with proper care and adequate light.
21. Syngonium Panda

Syngonium Panda is a rare, vining variety which bears beautiful green, arrow-shaped leaves with random cream splashes.
22. Syngonium Pink Allussion

Syngonium Pink Allussion features arrowhead-shaped leaves with a mix of green and pink hues. The pink color gets more pronounced as the plant ages.
23. Syngonium Pink Perfection

Syngonium Pink Perfection is a popular variety with striking, glossy pink leaves whose color is more pronounced in bright light.
24. Syngonium Pink Splash

Syngonium Pink Splash features eye-catching, green, arrow-shaped leaves with deep pink variegations.
25. Syngonium Pixie

Syngonium Pixie is a compact variety which bears small, arrowhead-shaped leaves that feature a mix of green and white.
26. Syngonium Red Arrow

Syngonium Red Arrow is a rare variety with brilliant, dark-green, arrow-shaped leaves with ruby-red undersides making it pleasant to look at.
27. Syngonium Red Spot Tricolor

Syngonium Red Spot Tricolor is a compact variety which features vibrant, arrow-shaped leaves in a captivating blend of green, cream, pink, and red.
28. Syngonium Starlite

Syngonium Starlite is rare variety charcterized by light and dark green narrow leaves with prominent creamy white variegation.
29. Syngonium Strawberry Cream

Syngonium Strawberry Cream is a compact variety that features spectacular, soft pink leaves whose color is enhanced by bright light.
30. Syngonium Strawberry Ice

Syngonium Strawberry Ice is a climbing variety with brilliant, glossy leaves with a pink variegations and a brown hue.
31. Syngonium Strawberry Milk

Syngonium Strawberry Milk features green, arrow-shaped leaves with pink and white variegations whose colors blend together delightfully, reminiscent of a strawberry milkshake.
32. Syngonium Trileaf Wonder

Syngonium Trileaf Wonder features narrow, dark-green leaves with silver-gray veins. The leaves start off light green in color and change to dark-green as the plant matures.
33. Syngonium White Butterfly

Syngonium White Butterfly has arrowhead-shaped leaves with green and white variegation which resemble the wings of a butterfly, hence the name.