Spineless Yucca Propagation - 4 Easy Propagation Methods

Spineless Yucca (Yucca gigantea) propagation can be done at the beginning growing season from stem cuttings, offsets (pups) or seeds. The easiest and fastest method is from offsets (pups).

Yucca gigantea also called Soft-tip Yucca, Blue-stem Yucca, Giant Yucca, Yucca Cane and Itabo is a tree-like plant with a woody trunk which bears a crown of long, leathery, strap-like, spineless leaves and white bell-shaped flowers.

Giant Yucca is an easy-care plant which grows best in very bright light, average warmth of 16-280C, moderate humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, well-drained, fertile soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season. Read more on how to grow and care for Spineless Yucca.

Spineless Yucca is propagated in 4 easy ways. We have below outlined these propagation methods. Keep reading for more on these 4 ways of Spineless Yucca propgation.

Spineless Yucca, Yucca gigantea

1. How to propagate Spineless Yucca from offsets

  1. With sharp sterile scissors, carefully seperate the offset from the mother Spineless Yucca.

  2. Select a 6 or 8 inches pot and ensure that the pot has adequate drainage to prevent the soil from getting soggy as it can result in rotting.

  3. Fill the pot with succulents potting soil and make a hole in the center of the pot. Ensure that the hole is slightly wider than the root base of the offset.

  4. Place the offset in the previously made hole and lightly firm the soil around the base while taking care not to bury it too deep; maintain the offset at the same soil level it was in the previous pot.

  5. Thoroughly wet the soil until water comes out through the drainage holes.

  6. Place the pots in a warm (21-270C), well-lit place away from direct sunlight and maintain the soil moist until there is new growth.

  7. When well established, transplant the new Yucca gigantea into a terracoatta pot one size larger than the current one in succulents soil. Afterwards you can begin routine care.

2. How to propagate Spineless Yucca from stem cuttings in water

  1. Take a 3 inches stem cuttings from a healthy Spineless Yucca and place it in a cool place for a few days to allow it to dry out (callous) in order to enhance rooting.

  2. Strip off the lower leaves and dip the lower cut end in a rooting hormone to hasten rooting.

  3. Place the cuttings in a jar of plain water or in a propagation station. Place the set up in a warm, well-lit spot away from direct sunlight. Change the water every 5-7 days.

  4. When a good amount of roots have formed on the cuttings, transfer the cuttings into individual pots in moist, quality, rooting soil.

  5. Position the set up in a warm, well-lit place away from direct sunlight to prevent scorching.

  6. Maintain the soil moist until new growth has emerged and substantial growth has been observed.

  7. Transfer the new Spineless Yucca into a terracoatta pot 1 size larger than the current one in cactus and succulents soil. At this point you can begin routine care.
Spineless Yucca, Yucca gigantea

3. How to propagate Spineless Yucca from stems cuttings in soil

  1. Take the stem cuttings from mature wood of a healthy Spineless Yucca as it is less likely to rot than the soft stem suttings.

  2. Cut at least a 3 inches long stem cutting from a healthy Spineless Yucca and place it in a cool place for a few days to allow it to dry out (callous) in order to enhance rooting.

  3. Dip the lower cut end of the stem cuttings in a rooting hormone to encourage rooting.

  4. Select a rooting container and ensure that there is adequate drainage to prevent the soil from getting soggy as it can lead to rotting.

  5. Fill the container with succulents potting mix and make a hole in the center.

  6. Make sure that the hole is slightly wider than the base of the stem cutting.

  7. Insert the the lower cut end of the cutting in the previously made hole and lightly firm the soil around the cutting while taking care not to bury it too deep.

  8. Place the set up in a warm (21-270), well-lit place away from direct sunlight to avoid scorching.

  9. Maintain the soil moist and in about 3-4 weeks, roots will develop on the cutting.

  10. Allow the new Giant Yucca to be well established before transplanting after which you can begin routine care.

4. How to propagate Spineless Yucca from seeds

  1. Begin by scarring the Spineless Yucca seeds to enhance germination.

  2. Scarring involves gently rubbing the seeds with sandpaper or a file to break (scar) the seed coating.

  3. Sow the scarred seeds 1-2 inches deep in moist, free-draining (sandy) soil.

  4. Place the set up in a warm sunny place and maintain the soil moist through out.

  5. In 1-2 weeks, germination of the seeds should take place.

  6. If the Yucca gigantea seeds do not germination in 1-2 weeks, allow the soil to dry out completely and then resume watering.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you grow Yucca from a cutting?

Yes. You can grow Yucca from a stem cutting at the beginning of the growing season which can be rooted either in soil or in water.

2. How long do Yucca cuttings take to root?

Yucca cuttings rooted in soil take about 3-4 weeks to root but cuttings rooted in water take much longer.

3. Can I plant Yucca cuttings straight into the ground?

Yes. You can plant Yucca cuttings straight into the ground during the growing season. Make sure that the soil is well-drained to prevent rotting. Keep the soil moderately moist until rooting has occured.

4. Can you root Yucca cuttings in water?

Yes. You can root Yucca cuttings in water. Place the cuttings in plain water and change the water every 5-7 days. Position the set up in warm, brightly-lit place.

5. What is the best way to plant Yucca cuttings?

The best way to plant Yucca cuttings is to root them in soil. Yucca like most plants are naturally adapted to grow in soil. Plant the cuttings in succulents soil and maintain the soil moist until rooting takes place.

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