Cyclamen persicum Indoor Care, Propagation, Common Issues and How to Fix Them

Cyclamen persicum or simply Cyclamen is a cool climate plant which bears beautiful flowers and decorative foliage but cannot last very long under room conditions.

However, with proper care, Cyclamen will bloom indoors for several months. The low-growing plant, is a compact plant that is ideal for where space is limited for instance it is perfect for a window sill or a hanging basket.

The leaves are heart-shaped, fleshy and smooth-textured. The upper leaf surface has a green-silvery marbled color and the underside may be pale-green or reddish.

Cyclamen, Cyclamen persicum

Botanical name: Cyclamen persicum
Family: Primulaceae


Cyclamen persicum is native to North Africa across West Asia to Southeast Europe.


Cyclamens are herbaceous perennial plants which grow from a tuber to a height of about 1 ft.


Cyclamen Plants blooms from winter to spring. The flower are usually white to pink with a band of deep-pink at the base. The flower stalk is a long upright stem that rises above the leaves.


All parts of Cyclamen persicum are toxic to both humans and pets. They contain saponins which if ingested can cause drooling, vomiting and diarrhea.

Where to Buy Cyclamen persicum

Beautiful Cyclamen Plants are available online on Etsy.

Cyclamen persicum Care Indoors

Cyclamen Plant (Cyclamen persicum) blooms in bright light away from direct sunlight, cool to warm humid conditions and consistently moist, rich, well-drained soil coupled with regular feeding during the growing season.

Cyclamen requires regular pruning to keep it neat and tidy as well as encourage flowering. Repotting is only necessary when the plant becomes pot-bound as it blooms best when root-bound. A rest period is also needed to encourage flowering. Keep reading for more on these growing conditions and how to achieve them.

Cyclamen, Cyclamen persicum

Light Requirements

Cyclamen Plant grows best in bright light away from direct sunlight. It can also grow under a grow light where natural light is not adequate. Check out this link to Amazon for full spectrum grow lights.

Turn the pot regularly to ensure the plant receives light on all sides for even growth.


Water Cyclamen liberally during the growing season while allowing the top 1-2 in. of soil to dry out between waterings to keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy.

Cut down on watering during the cold season to keep the soil slightly moist but do not allow the soil to dry out completely.

Avoid wetting the foliage and water from the bottom or use the immersion method as wetting the foliage can lead to crown and stem rot disease.

Temperature and Humidity

Cyclamen Plant grows best in cool temperatures between 10-180C. Keep it from cold and hot draughts to avoid sudden changes in temperature.

Cyclamen Plant requires humid conditions inorder to thrive. Set the pot on a wet pebble tray or use a cool mist humidifier to elevate humidity. Read more on how to raise humidity for houseplants.

Regularly clean the leaves by damp-wiping with a soft cloth to get rid of dust as well as discourage pest and disease infestations.

Do not wash or mist the leaves as it can lead to crown and stem rot disease. Make sure that there is good air circulation for Cyclamen to prevent fungal infestations.

Potting Medium

The best soil for Cyclamen Plant should be rich in organic matter and free-draining to prevent it from getting soggy while providing the required nutrients.

Most multi-purpose potting mixes are ideal for this plant. Buy quality Potting Mix from Amazon.


Keep Cyclamen Plant pot-bound to promote flowering as it blooms best when pot-bound. Repot during the dormant period only when the soil becomes compacted. Repotting every 2 years should be adequate for this plant.

Use a pot 1 size larger than the current one and ensure that it has a drainage hole to prevent the soil from getting soggy. Take a look at these Pots with Multi Mesh Drainage Holes on Amazon.

After repotting place the Cyclamen Plant in a shaded place and keep it dry. Resume watering after 6-8 weeks inorder to encourage new growth.


Feed Cyclamen Plant every 2-3 weeks with a phosphorous-rich, water-soluble fertilizer during the bud formation stage to promote flowering.


Pruning Cyclamen Plant is easy. Remove spent blooms and any side shoots to encourage development of more flowers. Get rid of dead leaves to keep the plant neat and reduce pest and disease infestations.

How to Care for Cyclamen Plant after flowering

After flowering is over and the foliage turns yellow, cut back the Cyclamen stems.

Place the plant in a cool dark place and maintain the soil barely moist for about 6-8 weeks. Withhold feeding during this period.

As soon as new growth emerges, move the plant to a bright spot and water thoroughly.

Keep it cool at temperatures between 16-180C and cooler night temperatures.

Begin monthly feeding with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.

The Cyclamen Plant should start blooming in about 2-3 months.


Cyclamen Plant (Cyclamen persicum) can be propagated from seeds or by plant division.

How to propagate Cyclamen Plant from seeds

Cyclamen Plant seeds do not last very long therefore ensure the seeds are very fresh.

Spread the seeds on moist soil and cover the seeds lightly with soil and place the set up in a dark place.

Maintain the temperatue at about 180C. The seeds should germinate in 20-30 days.

After germination place the Cylamen seedlings in a well-lit place and start routine care.

How to propagate Cyclamen by plant division

When flowering is over and the foliage has started to yellow, cut back the foliage, dig up the tubers and clean off the soil.

With a sharp sterilized knife, divide the tuber into sections and ensure each section has a growing point (nub or eye) from which the foliage will grow.

Place the sections in moist, free-draining soil with the nub sticking above the soil surface.

Maintain the soil moist but do not wet the nubs as it can lead to rotting.

Allow enough time for the nubs to develop into new plants after which you can begin routine care.

Cyclamen, Cyclamen persicum

Cyclamen persicum Common Problems

Cyclamen persicum growing problems include a short flowering period, plant death, yellowing leaves, wilting, pests and diseases among others. Keep reading for more on these problems and how to fix them.

Yellowing foliage, crown firm and healthy

There are four possible causes of yellowing foliage while the crown is firm and healthy in Cyclamen Plant. One possible cause is hot dry air which results in too low humidity.

Set the pot on a wet pebble tray or use a cool mist humidifier to raise humidity.

The second possible cause of yellowing foliage while the crown is firm and healthy in Cyclamen Plant is high temperatures above 180C.

Cyclamen is a cool climate plant therefore maintain cool temperatures between 10-180C and protect the plant from hot and cold draughts.

The third possible cause of yellowing foliage while the crown is firm and healthy in Cyclamen Plant is underwatering.

Maintain the soil moist but not soggy and do not allow the soil ball to dry out completely.

The fourth possible cause of yellowing foliage while the crown is firm and healthy in Cyclamen Plant is direct sunlight on the foliage.

Move the plant to a shaded place or protect it from direct sunlight as it grows best in bright light but away from direct sunlight.

Twisted and stunted leaves

Twisted and stunted leaves in Cyclamen are an indication of pest infestation. The common pests are aphids and cyclamen mites.

Isolate the affected plant to prevent spread to other houseplants and treat it with appropriate products like neem oil or insecticidal soap among others.

Short flowering period

There are four possible causes of a short flowering period in Cyclamen Plant. One possible cause is too much warmth.

Maintain cool temperatures for the Cyclamen Plant or move it to a cool place as it is a cool climate plant and requires cool temperatures to promote flowering.

The second possible cause of a short flowering period in Cyclamen Plant is incorrect watering; either underwatering or overwatering.

Maintain the soil moist but not soggy during the growing season and slightly moist during the cold period but do not allow the soil ball to dry out completely.

The third possible cause of a short flowering period in Cyclamen Plant is dry air.

To raise the humidity, set the pot on a wet pebble tray. Read more on how to raise humidity for houseplants.

The fourth possible cause of a short flowering period in Cyclamen Plant is underfeeding.

Feed it every 2-3 weeks with a phosphorous-rich, water-soluble fertilizer during the bud formation stage to promote flowering.

Yellowing leaves and brown patches

Yellowing leaves with brown patches in Cyclamen Plant are an indication of botrytis disease which is brought about by soggy soil and poor air circulation.

Improve air circulation and ensure that the pot has a drainage hole to prevent the soil from becoming soggy. Treat the plant appropriately for the disease.

Sudden wilting of leaves and flower stalks

Underwatering is the cause of wilting of leaves and flower stalks in Cyclamen Plant. Thoroughly water the plant immediately and it should perk up.

Pinch off any leaves and flowers that fail to perk up. Maintain the soil moist but not soggy and do not allow the soil ball to dry out completely.

Soft, rotten crown, plant dying

The cause of plant collapse coupled with a soft and rotten crown in Cyclamen Plant is due to wetting of the crown during watering.

This is an indication of crown and stem-rot disease. Treat the plant appropriately or discard it if it is too far gone.

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