10 Best Potting Soil Mixes for Snake Plants Indoors | Types of Snake Plant Potting Mixes

Snake Plants also called Mother-in-law's Tongue, Devil's Tongue, Jinn's Tongue, Bow String Hemp and Snake Tongue are succulent plants which can withstand low light, dry air, drafts and considerable periods without water.

Snake Plant Potting Mix Collage

The major drawback for Snake Plants is root-rot due to overwatering or soggy soil. In their natural habitat, they are found growing in moderately dry, acidic to neutral, loose, free-draining soils.

To ensure proper growth of Snake Plants, they ought to be given potting mixes designed for Cactus and Succulents as they have very sharp drainage to prevent root-rot.

We have listed herebelow 10 of the best potting mixes for Snake Plants based on their ingredients, drainage and soil amendments making it easy for you to find the best fit for your plant.

1. rePotme Cactus and Succulent Premium Potting Soil Mix

rePotme Cactus and Succulent Potting Soil Mix

Photo: Amazon

rePotme Cactus and Succulent Potting Soil Mix is specifically formulated for cacti and succulents like snake plants. This potting mix ensures excellent drainage, reducing the risk of root-rot problems, which is crucial for these plants.

This mix is pre-made and ready to use right out of the bag, saving time and simplifying the potting and or repotting process.

Sizes: 2 quarts | Contains: Small Monterey Pine Bark, Medium Pumice Rock, Small Red Lava Rock

The absence of peat is key to getting rid of fungus gnats as Fungus gnats are attracted to peat moss.

2. Gardenera Succulent & Cactus Premium Potting Mix

Gardenera Succulent & Cactus Premium Potting Mix

Photo: Etsy

Gardenera Succulent & Cactus Premium Potting Mix holds an adequate amount of moisture to meet the plant's needs, yet still allows the water to drain well. This helps prevent over-watering and root-rot.

Size: 1 Quart, 2 Quarts, 3 Quarts, 4 Quarts, 5 Quarts, | Contains: Sphagnum Peat Moss, Perlite, New Zealand Pine Bark

3. Gardenera Snake Plant Premium Potting Mix

Gardenera Snake Plant Premium Potting Mix

Photo: Etsy

Gardenera Snake Plant Premium Potting Mix is hand crafted specifically to support the growth of Snake Plants. It will enhance the growth of your plant to become large and healthy.

This potting mix is designed to protect the roots by quickly draining away excess water but keeping dirt moist for nutrient retention, best mimics their natural growing environment.

Sizes: 1 Quart, 2 Quarts, 3 Quarts, 4 Quarts, 5 Quarts, | Contains: Canadian Peat Moss, Perlite, Worm Castings, Lime

4. Soil Sunrise Snake Plant Potting Mix

Soil Sunrise Snake Plant Potting Soil Mix

Photo: Amazon

Soil Sunrise Snake Plant Potting Mix is perfectly formulated for growing healthy snake plants. It has good drainage, adequate moisture retention, essential nutrients and good aeration which prevents root-rot and encourages optimal growth for your Snake Plants.

Sizes: 4 Quarts | Contains: Peat Moss, Horticultural Perlite, Worm Castings, Lime

5. Molly's Succulent Mix

Molly's Succulent Mix

Photo: Etsy

Molly's Succulent Mix is a premium gritty soilless potting mix that is ideal for succulents like snake Plants and cacti with a range of mineral and organic ingredients and balanced pH.

This potting mix prevents over- and under- watering with its gritty, porous mix that drains freely and resists compaction while still retaining adequate moisture for your plants.

As a soil free potting mix, Molly's Succulent Mix is a cleaner alternative to soil-based potting mixes, and does not contain any harmful pathogens.

It provides a variety of beneficial minerals, nutrients, and trace elements including calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and others.

Sizes: 3 Quarts, 5 Quarts | Contains: Akadama, Hyuga, Pinus radiata bark, lava rock, pumice, worm castings, assorted nutrients, beneficial fungi and bacteria

6. Rosy Cactus and Succulent Potting Soil Mix

Rosy Cactus and Succulent Potting Soil Mix

Photo: Amazon

With a chunkier, looser texture, Rosy Cactus and Succulent Potting Soil Mix ensures enhanced drainage and aeration, providing the ideal conditions necessary for the well-being of your drought-tolerant plants.

This mix stands out due to its nutrient-rich blend, as organic worm castings supply nourishment to the soil for optimal growth.

It is free from peat and synthetic additives and is made from environmentally conscious materials.

Sizes: 4 Quarts | Contains: Pine Bark, Biochar, Sand, Pumice, Worm Castings / Compost, Root Boosting Mycorrhizae

7. Dr. Earth Exotic Blend Cactus & Succulent Potting Mix

Dr. Earth Exotic Blend Cactus & Succulent Potting Mix

Photo: Etsy

Dr. Earth Exotic Blend Cactus & Succulent Potting Mix provides the best life for succulents and cacti; its perfect drainage allows for maximum plant health.

The mix is 100% organic and natural and is infused with TruBiotic technology to ensure drought tolerance, enhanced nutrient availability and increased plant performance.

Sizes: 4 Quarts, 6 Quarts, 8 Quarts, 12 Quarts, 16 Quarts | Contains: Bark, Perlite, Peat moss, Compost, TruBiotic® Microbes, Mycorrhizae

8. Espoma Organic Cactus & Succulent Potting Soil Mix

Espoma Organic Cactus & Succulent Potting Soil Mix

Photo: Amazon

Espoma Organic Cactus & Succulent Potting Soil Mix is a rich blend of sphagnum peat moss, humus & perlite which helps provide optimum aeration and drainage for your Snake Plants.

It contains a rich blend of only the finest natural ingredients and no synthetic plant foods or chemicals are used.

Size: 4 Quarts | Contains: Peat Moss, Aged Forest Products, Humus, Perlite, Lime, Yucca Extract

9. Back to the Roots Organic Succulent & Cacti Mix

Back to the Roots Organic Succulent & Cacti Mix

Photo: Amazon

Back to the Roots Organic Succulent & Cacti Mix is designed exclusively for succulents and cacti, this smart soil mix takes the guesswork out of plant care, giving your green friends the best environment to flourish

It promotes aeration and root growth for stronger, more resilient plants while facilitating fast drainage, preventing waterlogged soil and safeguarding your Snake Plants from root-rot.

Size: 6 Quarts | Contains: Aged Bark, Perlite, Horticultural Sand, Dolomitic Limestone, Organic Plant Food

10. Hoffman Organic Cactus & Succulent Mix

Hoffman Organic Cactus & Succulent Mix

Photo: Amazon

Hoffman Organic Cactus & Succulent Mix is specifically designed to cater for succulents and cacti plants with its good drainage and proper aeration for healthy roots.

The mix is loose and airy enough to prevent it from getting soggy and is well endowed with adequate amounts of nutrients to promote robust growth of your Snake Plants.

Size: 4 Quarts | Contains: Peat Moss, Horticultural Sand, Limestone, Compost

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