How to Propagate Ficus benghalensis 'Audrey' by 3 Easy Methods

Ficus Audrey propagation can be done from stem cuttings or by air layering. Propagation by stem cuttings is the easiest and most beginner-friendly method. You can root the cuttings in soil or in water. The air layering method is best for larger, more mature plants.

The best time to propagate is during the growing season (spring and summer) when the plant is actively growing as it enhances establishment. Avoid propagating in the cold season (fall or winter), as the growth slows down, making root formation much more difficult.

Unlike its cousin Ficus lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig) , Ficus Audrey is easier to grow and propagate. It thrives in bright light with 4-6 hours of sunshine, average warmth of 16-260C, moderate humidity of 50-55% and moderately moist, rich, well-drained, potting soil coupled with monthly feeding in the growing season. Learn more on how to grow and care for Ficus benghalensis 'Audrey'.

Whether you are using stem cuttings in water, soil, or air layering, this guide will walk you through every step of the propagation process so you can successfully grow a new Ficus Audrey at home. Keep reading for more on these 3 propagation methods.

Ficus Audrey, Ficus benghalensis 'Audrey'

(A) How to propagate Ficus Audrey from stem cuttings

This is the most popular way to propagate Ficus Audrey. You can root cuttings in water or directly in soil, depending on your preference.

1. Propagating Ficus Audrey from stem cuttings in soil

  1. Choose a healthy stem that is at least 4-6 inches long with 2-3 leaves.

  2. Use sharp, sterilized, pruning scissors to make a clean cut just below a node (the bump where leaves and roots grow).

  3. Strip off the lower leaves from the cutting and retain 2-3 leaves on top.

  4. Allow the sap to dry and then dip the lower cut end cutting in a rooting hormone to hasten rooting.

  5. Choose a rooting container with drainage hole to prevent the soil from getting soggy to avoid rotting.

  6. Insert about 2-3 inches of the cutting in moist rooting soil.

  7. To enhance rooting of the cutting, create a mini-greenhouse by covering the set up with a clear polythene bag or sheet.

  8. Ensure the leaves do not touch the bag or the sheet too much by propping it up with sticks.

  9. Place the set up in warm, brightly-lit spot and maintain the soil moist through out until new growth emerges.

  10. New growth indicates that the cutting has rooted. In about 3-4 weeks, rooting will have taken place.

  11. Gradually over a period of two weeks, remove the plastic cover to acclimate the new plant.

  12. In 4-6 months, there will be adequate root development and you can transplant the new plants into individual pots after which you can begin routine care.

2. Propagating Ficus Audrey from stem cuttings in water

  1. Take stem cuttings of about 6 inches long from a healthy plant and ensure it bears at least 2-3 leaf nodes.

  2. Remove the lower leaves and retain 2-3 leaves on top.

  3. Let the sap dry and then dip the lower cut end in a rooting hormone to encourage rooting.

  4. Place the cutting in a jar of filtered or distilled water (chlorine can slow down root growth).

  5. Ensure at least one node is submerged, but keep the leaves above water.

  6. Change the water every 3-5 days to prevent bacterial growth.

  7. Place the set up in bright indirect light away from direct sunlight.

  8. Rooting should occur in 3-6 weeks. Once they are about 2-3 inches long, transfer the cutting into soil.

  9. Position the set up in warm, well-lit spot and maintain the soil moist until the plants are well established after which you can begin routine care.
Ficus Audrey, Ficus benghalensis 'Audrey'

(B) How to propagate Ficus Audrey by air layering

This technique allows roots to grow before the stem is cut, reducing transplant shock.

3. Propagating Ficus Audrey by air layering

  1. Choose a mature, woody stem that is at least 12 inches long. Find a node from where new roots will grow.

  2. Use a sharp knife to make a 1-inch shallow cut around the stem (about halfway through).

  3. Peel away the top thin layer of bark to expose the inner tissue. If white sap appears, wipe it away before proceeding.

  4. Coat the notch with a rooting hormone to hasten rooting.

  5. Surround the notched area with damp moss and cover the notch with a polythene film or clear plastic wrap.

  6. In 4-6 weeks the roots will have formed. Once roots are 2-3 inches long, sever the stem just below the covered part.

  7. Note: New shoots will sprout from the shortened stem of the old plant into a beautiful bushy plant.

  8. Remove the polythene or plastic wrap and carefully pot the rooted cutting in moist, free-draining soil.

  9. Make sure that the pot has a drainage hole to prevent the soil from getting soggy as it can lead to rotting.

  10. Position the new plant in a warm, brightly-lit place away from direct sunlight to prevent scorching.

  11. Maintain the soil moist through out but avoid soggy soil.

  12. In another 4-6 weeks the new plant will be well established and you can begin routine care.

How to care for newly propagated Ficus Audrey

  • Light: Bright indirect light: avoid direct sun until the plants are stronger.

  • Watering: Keep soil evenly moist but not soggy for the first few weeks.

  • Humidity: Maintain a humidity of 50% to encourage growth.

  • Fertilizer: Wait at least 2 months before adding fertilizer to avoid burning new roots.

  • Placement: Place your baby Ficus Audrey near its mother plant to mimic its natural environment.


Ficus Audrey is a beautiful, resilient houseplant, and propagating it is a fun and rewarding process. Whether you choose stem cuttings in water or soil, or air layering, you will soon have a brand-new plant to enjoy or share with a friend.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I propagate Ficus Audrey from a single leaf?

No. Ficus Audrey needs a stem with a node to grow roots.

2. How long does Ficus Audrey take for cuttings to root?

Ficus Audrey water propagation takes 3-6 weeks to root, while soil propagation can take 4-8 weeks.

3. Do I need to use rooting hormone for Ficus Audrey cuttings?

Use of a rooting hormone is optional, but it speeds up the rooting process and increases success rates.

4. Is propagating Ficus Audrey difficult?

No. It is easier than propagating Fiddle Leaf Fig and has a high success rate if done correctly.

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