How to Propagate Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema) | Aglaonema Propagation

Chinese Evergreen, Aglaonema

Chinese Evergreens (Aglaonema) are easy-care, charming plants that are easily propagated from stem cuttings and by plant division.

The leaves are large, spear-shaped and borne on short stems. There are about 24 species of Aglaonema and numerous cultivars and hybrids which come with spectacular foliage.

Aglaonemas are native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea where they grow as understory plants.

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema) Propagation Methods

Below is an outline on 3 Aglaonema propagation methods from stem cuttings and by plant division.

The best time to propagate Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreens) to increase your success rate, is at the beginning of the growing season.

Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema) stem cuttings root easily and there is no need for rooting hormone.

Chinese Evergreen, Aglaonema

1. How to propagate Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema) from stem cuttings in soil

Cut a new shoot bearing 4-5 in. stem and about 4-5 leaves or an old stem about 4-6 in. long from a healthy Chinese Evergreen. Ensure that the cuttings have 3-4 leaf nodes. Strip off the lower leaves.

Insert 2-3 in. of the lower cut-end of the Chinese Evergreen cutting in moist, free-draining soil and place the set up in a warm, well-lit place away from direct sunlight.

Cover the set up with clear plastic to create a greehouse effect to hasten establishment and maintain the soil moist through out.

In about 3-4 weeks, new growth should sprout on the Chinese Evergreen cuttings. Gradually remove the plastic cover over a period ot two weeks to acclimate the new plants.

Allow adequate time for the proper establishment of the cuttings after which you can begin Chinese Evergreen routine care.

Chinese Evergreen, Aglaonema

2. How to propagate Chinese Evergreen from stem cuttings in water

Cut a new shoot bearing 4-5 in. stem and about 4-5 leaves or an old stem about 4-6 in. long from a healthy Chinese Evergreen. Ensure that the cuttings have 3-4 leaf nodes. Strip off the lower leaves.

Place the Chinese Evergreen cuttings in a jar of clean plain water or in a propagation station while ensuring that the leaves do not touch the water otherwise they may begin to rot.

Place the set up in a warm, well-lit spot and replace the water every 5-7 days and root development should occur in 1-2 weeks.

When the roots are about 3-4 in. long, the cutting can be put in soil. The water roots need to be acclimatized to grow in soil.

Gradually add soil into the rooting container from when the roots are about 2 in. long so that by the time of transplanting, there is more of soil than water in the rooting container that is, the roots are more or less growing in moist soil than in water.

Once the roots are acclimatized to grow in soil, transfer the rooted cuttings into individual pots, in free-draining soil and place the set up in a warm, well-lit place away from direct sunlight.

For a fuller plant, transfer several cuttings into one pot after which you can begin Chinese Evergreen routine care.

Chinese Evergreen, Aglaonema

3. How to propagate Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema) by plant division

Water the Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema) thoroughly at least 1 day before to make it easier to divide and also hasten establishment as a well hydrated plant suffers less shock and takes a shorter time to take root.

Take out the Chinese Evergreen from its pot and with a sterilized sharp knife or pair of scissors, carefully cut through roots to divide a large Chinese Evergreen into several sections. Ensure each section has some roots to hasten establishment.

Pot the Chinese Evergreen sections in moist, free-draining soil in individual pots and place the set up in a warm, well-lit place away from direct sunlight.

Maintain the soil moist through out and in about 1-2 weeks the sections should develop their own root system.

Allow adequate time for the proper establishment of the sections after which you can begin Chinese Evergreen routine care.

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