Gold Dust Plant (Aucuba japonica 'Variegata') Indoor Care, Propagation and Problems

Gold Dust Plant (Aucuba japonica 'Variegata') flourishes in bright indirect light, warm and humid conditions and consistently moist, rich, well-drained, all purpose potting soil coupled with monthly feeding in the growing season.

Gold Dust Plant also called Japanese Laurel, Spotted Laurel or Japanese Aucuba is among the popular plants on account of its striking foliage and ability to adapt to a wide range of growing conditions.

The foliage in Spotted Laurel consists of leathery, glossy green leaves heavily dusted with golden-yellow spots which appear like gold dust and hence the name 'Gold Dust Plant'.

Japanese Laurel is useful for a cool shady spot but is not suitable for the hot or dry locations as serious leaf fall will occur. Its is an excellent plant for adding a splash of color to any houseplant collection.

Japanese Aucuba are evergreen flowering shrubs belonging to the family Garryaceae but formerly classified in the Aucabaceae or Cornaceae family.

Gold Dust Plant, Aucuba japonica 'Variegata'

Scientific name: Aucuba japonica 'Variegata'
Family: Garryaceae
Common name: Gold Dust Plant, Japanese Laurel, Spotted Laurel, Japanese Aucuba


Aucuba species are native to Eastern Asia from the Eastern Himalayas east to China, Korea and Japan.

Size and Flower

Gold Dust Plant can grow to a height of 5 feet but this can be checked by pruning. Japanese Laurel is dioecious species, producing seperate male and female plants that produce clusters of tiny purplish flowers. If pollinated, they produce bright red berries.


Gold Dust Plants (Aucuba japonica 'Variegata') are non-toxic to humans and pets. Gold Dust plants are safe to grow indoors.

Where to Buy

Are you looking to add these plants to your collection? Vibrant Gold Dust Plants are available online on Etsy (Link to Etsy).

Aucuba japonica 'Variegata' Indoor Care

Gold Dust Plant (Aucuba japonica 'Variegata') blossoms in bright indirect light, average warmth of 15-270C, humidity of 60-70% and consistently moist, fertile, well-drained, all purpose potting soil coupled with monthly feeding during the growing season.

Japanese Aucuba requires regular pruning to keep it neat, to reduce pests and diseases and to encourage a bushy growth. Repooting is needed every 2-3 years when the plant becomes pot-bound. Keep reading for more on these growing conditions and how to achieve them.

Gold Dust Plant, Aucuba japonica 'Variegata'


Water Gold Dust Plant thoroughly during the growing season and allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry out between waterings to maintain the soil consistently moist.

Decrease watering during the cold season as the growth is minimal at this time to keep the soil slightly moist but do not let it dry out completely.

Ascertain that the soil is free-draining and that the pot has a drainage hole to prevent the soil from getting soggy as it can lead to root-rot and eventual loss of the plant. Learn more on how to water houseplants the right way.

Light Requirements

Gold Dust Plant grows best in bright indirect light inorder to maintain the variegation. Keep it away from direct sunshine to avoid scorching the leaves.

Where the natural lighting is not enough, you can grow Japanese Aucuba under a grow light. Take a look at these full spectrum grow lights on Amazon.

Turn the pot regularly to ensure the plant receives light on all sides for uniform growth and prevent leggy growth.

Temperature and Humidity

The best temperature for Gold Dust Plant is an average warmth of 15-270C with a minimum of 120C in winter. Keep it away from drafts as they can negatively affect the growth of the plant.

Gold Dust Plant prefers a high humidity of 60-70% to thrive. To elevate humidity, set the pot on a wet pebble tray or use a cool mist humidifier. Check out the techniques on how to raise humidity for houseplants.

Occasionally clean the leaves by damp-wiping with a soft cloth to get rid of dust as well as discourage pest and disease infestations.

Potting Mix

The best potting mix for Gold Dust Plant should be rich in organic matter and free-draining to prevent it from getting soggy while providing the required nutrients. Most all purpose potting mixes are ideal.


Feed Gold Dust Plant on a balanced, liquid fertilizer every 4 weeks during the growing period. Do not feed during the cold season as growth is minimal at this time.


Pruning Gold Dust Plant involves removal of yellow and dry leaves leaves to maintain the plant neat and to reduce chances of disease and pest infestation.

To control the height and encourage a bushy plant, cutback the Spotted Laurel with a sharp, clean pair of pruning scissors at the beginning of the growing period.


Repot Gold Dust Plant at the beginning of the growing season every 2-3 years or when it has become pot-bound.

Repot into a pot one size larger that has a drainage hole to prevent the soil from getting soggy as it can lead to root-rot disease.

Top dress the large Japanese Aucuba by replacing the top 2-3 inches of soil with fresh potting soil at the beginning of the growing season. Check out these pots with drainage holes on Amazon.


Gold Dust Plant (Aucuba japonica 'Variegata') can be propagated from stem cuttings at the beginning of the growing period.

How to propagate Gold Dust Plant from stem cuttings

Take a 3-4 inches stem cutting from a healthy Gold Dust Plant and ensure the cutting has 2-3 leaf nodes as this is where new growth will come from. Strip off the lower leaves.

Dip the lower cut end of the cutting in a rooting hormone to hasten rooting and insert the cutting in moist, free-draining soil while ensuring at least 2 leaf nodes are covered with soil.

Place the set up in a warm, well-lit place and maintain the soil moist until the new Japanese Laurel is well established after which routine care can begin.

Gold Dust Plant, Aucuba japonica 'Variegata'

Aucuba japonica 'Variegata' Problems with Remedies

Gold Dust Plant (Aucuba japonica 'Variegata') main growing problems are due to cultural faults. The problems include leaf drop, leaf spots, plant death, diseases and pests. Keep reading for more on these problems and how to fix them.


Common pests in Gold Dust Plant are scale insects, mealybugs and aphids which are common in the young plant but rarely in mature plants. Isolate the affected plant to prevent spread to the other plants and treat it with neem oil or insecticidal soap as per the manufacturer's instructions.

Yellowing, wilting leaves, plant collapse

Yellowing and wilting of leaves followed by plant collapse in Gold Dust Plant are an indication of root-rot which is promoted by soggy soil. Make sure that the soil is free-draining and that the pot has a drainage hole to prevent the soil from getting soggy.. Read on how to treat root-rot in houseplants.

Dropping (losing) leaves

There are two possible reasons why Gold Dust Plant is dropping (losing) leaves. One possible reason is underwatering. Water the plant liberally during the growing season and maintain the soil consistently moist at all times. Reduce watering during the cold season as the growth is reduced at this time but do not allow the soil to dry out completely. Learn more on how to water houseplants the right way.

The second possible reason why Gold Dust Plant is dropping (losing) leaves is too high temperatures. Maintain an average warmth of 15-270C with a minimum of 120C. The plant is ideal for a cool shady spot but is not suitable for the hot or dry locations as serious leaf fall will occur. Check out this guide on understanding temperature for houseplants.

Brown leaf spots

Brown leaf spots in Gold Dust Plant are sunscorch marks due to exposure to hot direct sunlight. Move the plant to a shadier spot or filter the light with a light curtain. It grows best in bright, filtered light to maintain the variegation. Keep the plant away from direct sunshine to avoid sunscorch on the leaves.

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